

The Technology is a Changin’

The Technology is a Changin’

You might have heard that VHS tape players are being removed from all classrooms starting next semester.  If you’ve ever used a video in your projects or presentations, you’ll need a more modern format from now on.  Of course, you’re probably already used to using modern media like DVDs.  But even those sources can be cumbersome. Because, really, any hard format is becoming rarer.  Chances are, you stream films with Netflix or Hulu as often as you buy a DVD or BluRay disc.  But are they good sources for your class assignments?  There are lots of places to find streaming video.  Of course, there are resources like Vimeo, YouTube, and Viddler, and those are great free resources online.  But they … Continued
Join the Cloud

Join the Cloud

Frustrated when you lose another jump drive? The Cloud may be your new, best friend. The Cloud is like an offsite physical storage facility with a locked entry and open space for your collections. There are limits, access concerns and costs to store important items. Cloud storage works similarly with the use of off-site servers to store digital information. Many Cloud companies offer a free service and then charge after reaching a certain amount of storage space (ranging from 2-10 gigabytes). The path into the Cloud is easy; many of you may be cloud users without knowing it. The Cloud LibGuide has several examples of use, options, and basic information about companies that provide services in the Cloud. Like any … Continued