

Sharing international education journeys

Sharing international education journeys

To celebrate multicultural learning, several campus partners are collaborating to creatively document the international educational experiences of IU East students. The Campus Library, World Languages and Cultures Department, Anthropology faculty and students, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion are highlighting the global perspectives gained by students who participate in international study. A sneak peek of the “Indiana University East Goes Global” StoryMap will be featured during International Education Week (IEW) and Geography Awareness Week. Anthropology faculty Dr. Aaron Comstock and student Stephanie Velazquez are creating a multimedia presentation of student experiences in study abroad courses.  Interested in creating your own StoryMap? IU offers a free account. Need help? Contact IU East GIS mapping expert Aaron Comstock. A new archive … Continued
International Connections

International Connections

With COVID-related restrictions, students were not able to participate in international study travel.  International and intercultural dialogue is an important skill to enrich any education, and students benefit from engaging in meaningful experiences with people of different backgrounds.  During the Pandemic, online options like those facilitated by ZOOM have been vital – and Global Circles is a new opportunity for IU East students to connect with peers abroad. The program is free and only a two week commitment, with half of the time spent live and half in asynchronous communication.  Dr. Julien Simon is the faculty advisor for the program, and can be contacted at  Topics are structured and related to student life and global issues (particularly the impact … Continued
On the move – with virtual travel

On the move – with virtual travel

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many subscription-only resources are continuing to offer temporary open access to material now through the end of the year.  To discover these resources, check out the Education Resources – Free Online (ERFO) resources guide: This resource guide is continuously updated with new academic resources as they become available for open access. Resources for eBooks and eTextbooks, such as OpenCulture – eTextbooks provides a list of 200 open access textbooks readily available from subjects ranging from Art History and Biology to Business and Sociology.   During these times it may be difficult to travel, but with virtual tours, there is no place or time one cannot visit. The “ERFO” has a whole section dedicated to … Continued
Around the World

Around the World

The world is becoming a smaller place, and many students are incorporating travel to other countries into their college years. Studying abroad can be a boon to numerous degree fields – and not just the obvious ones, like a foreign language, international studies, literature, or humanities degree. Perhaps you want to get a job teaching English as a second language in another country. Perhaps you want to be involved in an international business. Or maybe you want to provide health care and training for humanitarian organizations. For all, you can benefit from the culture you experience and the contacts you’ll develop in an international program. IU East has many international programs and trips to choose from. Perhaps you’re thinking about … Continued