

New Streaming Video Platform for Your Courses: Kanopy now LIVE!

New Streaming Video Platform for Your Courses: Kanopy now LIVE!

Films can be a useful supplemental resource for many lessons or courses and the IU East Campus Library continuously works to provide easy, comprehensive access to streaming films for educational purposes.  Starting in January 2020, the library now has an agreement with the online streaming video platform Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The IU East Campus Library currently has the documentary film category open and available for instant viewing. Faculty who are looking for a documentary film to stream for their classes can check Kanopy ( and easily provide online streaming access … Continued
Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

The IU East Campus Library currently has a trial for the online streaming video platform called Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The platform is currently employed at more than 2,500 academic libraries globally, including many libraries, and within Indiana University at Northwest, South Bend, and Bloomington campuses. Some of the benefits for IU East students and faculty to use Kanopy are: Provide access without payment: conveniently open all or any of their broad collections with no upfront or required payment Strategically acquire high-use films: Triggering a film requires 4 independent plays by … Continued
The March of Civil Rights

The March of Civil Rights

The tumultuous month of April, 1968 was fifty years ago. It saw a national low on April 4th, when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. And days later, on April 11th, it saw the high of President Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act into law. Locally, it also saw the explosion in downtown Richmond on April 6th – the aftermath of which, in contrast to the violence and arson and riots seen nationwide, saw black and white Richmondites working hand in hand to staunch the damage – putting out fires together, perhaps a sign of hope in the midst of national conflict. But fifty years later, the march of civil rights is not yet finished. Perhaps this legacy and … Continued
Education Videos

Education Videos

A few weeks ago we looked at VAST, a multidisciplinary video source that can help you with your projects and presentations.  But we have a lot of more specialized video databases, and if you are interested in education, one of them has just grown a lot bigger. Education in Video has just added content from Annenberg Learner and Harry Wong Publications, and includes 431 new videos (for a total of 282 hours). The collection is now an amazing 4,306 videos comprising 1,301 hours (all in streaming video format).  These work much like the VAST videos we looked at earlier. The Annenberg Learner content focuses on science, math, English, social studies, music, and art education, all for Kindergarten through 12th grade.   … Continued
The Technology is a Changin’

The Technology is a Changin’

You might have heard that VHS tape players are being removed from all classrooms starting next semester.  If you’ve ever used a video in your projects or presentations, you’ll need a more modern format from now on.  Of course, you’re probably already used to using modern media like DVDs.  But even those sources can be cumbersome. Because, really, any hard format is becoming rarer.  Chances are, you stream films with Netflix or Hulu as often as you buy a DVD or BluRay disc.  But are they good sources for your class assignments?  There are lots of places to find streaming video.  Of course, there are resources like Vimeo, YouTube, and Viddler, and those are great free resources online.  But they … Continued