website evaluation

website evaluation

On the Lookout for Fake News

On the Lookout for Fake News

Did you hear that taurine can reverse the effects of tinnitus? Or that a man named Tom Ogle invented a carburetor that runs entirely on fuel vapors? Maybe you did, but hopefully you didn’t believe those stories – because they’re not true. Fake news is legion these days. According to Merrimack College professor Melissa Zimdars, fake news comes in one of four categories: 1 – Completely false news, with no factual basis 2 – News that is misleading or inaccurate 3 – News stories with attention grabbing headlines that may not have anything to do with their article’s content 4 – Satirical sites, whose content is meant to invoke humor And it’s not always easy to tell fake news from … Continued
Get good information every time

Get good information every time

The IU East library is designed to be your information center but there may be times when you can’t make it to campus.  When that happens the library’s website is the perfect place to get started on your research.   If you can’t get what you need on our website you might need to use other websites.  Anyone can put anything on the internet so here are a few hints to make sure you get good information.  Check websites for: Authority – are the author and sponsor identified?  is the author qualified?  is the sponsor identified and reputable? Up-to-date – does the site tell when it was last updated?  was the update recent? Accuracy – is the information given reliable & error free? Bias … Continued