

A Research Journey

A Research Journey

No matter where you are in your research journey, the IU East Campus Library is here for you! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find helpful tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tools for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are interesting and useful. Business Looking for information on international businesses? ABI/INFORM database provides access to thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key businesses, and … Continued
Get your research on!

Get your research on!

The IU East Campus Library welcomes the Class of 2026 and all returning students! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find help tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tricks for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are sure to be helpful this semester. Business Search thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria such as locations, … Continued
Welcome to our new look!

Welcome to our new look!

A recent redesign gave the library website a new look, but the things you expect to find from the previous iteration are still there. On the left side is a short menu – Research Support includes basic information about who to contact, Borrowing from the IU East Library includes the library’s policies and procedures, and Faculty Resources includes everything unique to a professor’s needs – links for requesting classroom instruction or custom library guides, forms for putting course material on reserve, and forms for proposing a new course.  On the right is basic contact information, an Ask Us link to send in your questions, and a link to the library’s blog. The center of the screen is where most of … Continued
Your knowledge routine for 2019

Your knowledge routine for 2019

As tempting as it may be to “just google it” your Campus Library offers a vast array of reliable resources, and qualified human support, to help you be successful in your academic endeavors. No matter how long you have been a student, there is always new content and resources to discover. You can enhance your knowledge routine in 2019 by visiting the Library, in person or online! In person, we are here for you with assistance to find books, articles and more – just connect with Matt, KT, Beth or Frances. The Library also houses the Center for Service-Learning, so if you’re interested in serving our community, Ann is the person to see. Online, we offer virtual reference service…simply click … Continued
Best of….

Best of….

Of course this is the time of year when reflection is rampant and “best of…” lists beset us.  So why should the library be any different?  So here’s a smattering of selected websites popular with some IU East library staff.  Enjoy!  Lora uses the Charity Navigator as a reliable way to research a charity to see if it is legit and how they spend their monies.  For searching 20 different English versions of the Bible Lora recommends the and for a gateway to local U.S. and international newspapers, she suggests NewsVoyager  Several library staff count on and Truth or Fiction to verify urban legends and all those email scams before you forward to … Continued