Calling All Heroes!

Calling All Heroes!

Service-Learning opportunities abound for the Fall Semester.  The Experiential Learning Scholars will soon be busy with our community partners.  Currently, the Center for Service Learning has IU East students mentoring in Richmond at the Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County, Girls, Inc. of Wayne County, and in Fountain City at Northeastern Elementary.  All that’s missing is YOU!

The community organizations below are looking for individual IU East students, entire class projects, or club activities to help serve their outreach areas. 


Beginning September 10th, Northeastern Elementary needs heroes, a.k.a tutors, for their Homework Heroes program on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:15. Tutors in all subject areas are needed, put your expertise to use!

On September 19th Ivy Tech and IU East are partnering for a day of service at Cope Environmental Center from 1-5.  Students will help with trail rebuilds and clean-up as well as learning about sustainability and composting practices.  Classes and clubs could use this opportunity to develop “teach back” sessions to share their newly gained knowledge with others.

During the first week of October, as part of the “One Book: Many Voices” project, retirement and senior centers in the area will be sharing their stories with IU East students.  Centers included in this project thus far are the Richmond Senior Center, Lamplight Inn at the Leland, and Friends Fellowship Community, and more.  Residents and patrons of these organizations will sit down with students to talk about impactful moments in their lives.  The seniors are given the chance to be “heard” while IU East students gain the experience of relating to others; it’s a win-win situation!

Any students or faculty who would like to get involved in these partnerships listed above, or if you have ideas for projects of your own, please contact Heidi Huff, Coordinator of Library Instruction & Service-Learning at

Have service-learning projects that you’re already involved in? Let us know!

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