Service-Learning Success!

Service-Learning Success!

The Center for Service-Learning would like to officially congratulate IU East student Kristy Lohnes on becoming the Education Coordinator at The Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County’s Central Unit.  As the Education Coordinator, Kristy not only helps students with their homework but she also plans learning activities and implements educational games that support advanced learning. 

Kristy began her service-learning experience with The Boys & Girls Club last summer and continued until Fall when she accepted this position.  She will be graduating in December with her degree in Business Administration and a minor in Psychology. 

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Regarding her experiences at The Boys & Girls Club, Kristy says, “it shaped my minor in psychology by letting me apply my knowledge to my job.  I learned a lot from all the psych courses that I took and I am amazed at how much of the information I can apply to my job.”   Before beginning at The Boys & Girls Club, Kristy didn’t know that helping kids would be her career path.  She credits the service-learning program for shaping her career and letting her experience something new. 

Kristy says, “One of the stories that I love sharing is working with one of the kids through tutoring who needed my help.” This student was “able to make the honor role in school and pull off all A’s and B’s.  I have helped many students in this way and feel very proud.” 


Her final words of wisdom for current and future IU East students are, “It has been challenging and fun doing what I do.  Go for what you want, be persistent, and be able to handle any task given to you no matter how frustrating it may be.  Put your heart and soul into it.  Also, stick with it and do not let the opportunity fall through!”

Speaking of opportunities…Any students, staff, or faculty who would like to get involved in service-learning with a community partner, or if you have ideas for projects of your own, please contact Heidi Huff, Coordinator of Library Instruction & Service-Learning at

Have service-learning projects that you’re already involved in? Let us know!

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