Service Learning at Northeastern

Service Learning at Northeastern

Northeastern Elementary School is one of the many community partners working with the Center for Service-Learning.  IU East students placed at Northeastern Elementary get on-the-job experience working with children in an education environment while at the same time providing valued mentor relationships for youth.   CSL currently has students assisting in classrooms and tutoring during the Homework Heroes after-school program.  In the Spring, IU East science and education students will have the opportunity to help with Northeastern’s science fair. Volunteer opportunities are open to all IU East students!

Elementary education major Kati Felix is one of the students who tutored in the Homework Heroes program this semester.  She worked with three students for an hour each week.  Kati reflected, “This experience was absolutely amazing. I loved being able to work the students one on one and get to know each of them.” 

Kati graduates in the Spring; Homework Heroes allowed her the opportunity to try out her identity as an educator. She said, “I was able to work on my teaching strategies and instructions to help meet each student’s needs.”  In addition, Northeastern students gained a mentor in working with Kati.  “The students really enjoyed when I was there…They wanted to introduce me to their parents.” 

Looking back on her semester of service-learning Kati said, “I would just like to say Thank You for this opportunity that IU East and Northeastern have given me to be involved in a community and grow myself.”

Homework Heroes continues in the Spring and is looking for more volunteers to work one-on-one with students in all subject areas; days and times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:25.  Those interested in getting involved in service-learning at Northeastern Elementary or any of our other area partners, please contact the Center for Service-Learning at


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