World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

World Book Night 2012

Think about a book you read recently that you enjoyed.  As simple as that…reading a book that gives you enjoyment.  Now think about people who know how to read, but do not. Perhaps they got out of the habit, or never developed the habit of reading for pleasure, or don’t have access, or any number of other reasons.  Now, YOU have an opportunity to change that. YOU can be part of a nation-wide reading advocacy project called “World Book Night.”  It occurs on April 23 but YOU have to act now.

 Please go to the World Book Night website by JANUARY 25 and apply to be a “book giver.”  You’ll be directed to select 3 books as your top choices to give, where you want to give them, and why.  On February 13 you are notified if you will receive the books and then the week of April 15th you can pick them up at the IU East Campus Library. On April 23rd you distribute the books to your intended readers.


Each year, 25,000 passionate World Book Night U.S. volunteers personally hand out half a million free books. Their experiences are funny, moving, and often life-changing.  Here are some of their great stories from last year: World Book Night testimonials

 We hope to count YOU among the millions of book givers on April 23rd.  The Library and Center for Service Learning at IU East are proud to support this nationwide advocacy for reading and we are optimistic that the IU East students, staff and faculty will distribute at least 1,000 books in our community. So tell your friends and colleagues to apply to be a book giver by Jan. 25th. Thank you, and Happy Reading!


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