Service “is vital for a human being”

Service “is vital for a human being”

We continue our Center for Service-Learning (CSL) student profiles series with Jason Farmer, a sophomore at IU East. He is originally from Dunkirk in Jay County, Indiana. Jason is currently majoring in Psychology. He says of his future plans: “Nothing is set in solid because the future is not stone,” but he would love to work in the psychology field within the military as of right now.


As a CSL student staff member, Jason works at Friends Fellowship Community, an assisted living facility, and at the Fairview Boys & Girls Club. He was interested in doing service because he believes it “is vital for a human being.” He enjoys the feelings of being part of the community and of doing his part. Since Jason loves meeting new people, service-earning is a perfect match for him. He says, “As a psychology major, people are my study, and working at Friends Fellowship and the Boys & Girls Club is a great way to see many different perspectives.” Jason enjoys all of the people he has met as part of his service. Terry Price, Director of Life Enhancement at Friends Fellowship, said: “Jason has impacted the community of Friends Fellowship by providing more services and is a responsible extra hand.”

One of Jason’s memorable experiences while working at Friends Fellowship was looking at the Wayne County veteran’s book and realizing how many residents had spent time with the efforts of WWII. “That is such an interesting time period that these people lived through,” Jason observed. He thought it interesting to see pictures of them in their younger days, and comparing them to how they look today.Some of his most enjoyable experience at Friends is talking to the residents. “As a young man, I do not get to experience these perspectives that the residents have to offer as much as I like. These residents have a lot to offer when it comes to wisdom and advice because if you think about there is no way anybody has experienced as much as they have until you have become their age. I have learned that a lot of these residents may be old physically, but mentally many of them are young. I can gladly call the residents my friends.”


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