Summer is the perfect time for reading! Although our mental image of summer reading may be entertaining books, perhaps on a beach chair near the ocean, it can take different forms. Maybe you’re a student taking a summer class, filling your days with textbooks. Maybe you’re an adult who treasures this time for indulging in the latest philosophy or self-help or cooking book.
You can also enjoy reading by helping with a summer reading program for youth. There are several local programs – including at Morrison Reeves Library (for adults, teens, and children), New Castle Henry County Public Library, or the Centerville Public Library.
IU East participates in summer reading as well, working with Third Grade Academy. This summer reading program is unique and vital in helping students entering the fourth grade to catch up to their reading level, and continue their schooling with the confidence literacy bestows. If you would like to be involved as a reader, or listener or provide a program (almost any topic of interest to you, hobby, etc.) please contact Library director Frances Yates: There will be 26 third grade students on campus from June 11 through July 10 and they would love to meet IU East students, staff and faculty!
Contact the Center for Service-Learning for this and more formal opportunities to serve (working with children at IU East will require a background check). Read with a child and open a world of discovery!
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