Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

Look Up Book Cover (Final)

When was the last time you sat down and had a real conversation with an 8th grader? How about an older adult? Many students and faculty members set out to do just that and the result is a dynamic anthology of poems and memoirs.

The Red Wolves Write publication, Look Up, is titled after the opening poem written by Carson Miller, an 8th grader from the Early College program. Carson is begging readers to look up from their screens and participate in the world around them. A sentiment that is carried throughout the publication. Each story and each poem provides a raw, honest look into the lives of those around us. It is easy to get so wrapped up in our own lives we forget each and every person we meet has a life equally as full and rich as our own. The contrast between the senior memoirs and the 8th grade poetry creates a compelling narrative and a great reason to get to know everyone and not just those from our own generations

If you do choose to look up and get to know the writers within the pages of this book you will find moments of beauty, laughter, and heartbreak. There are tales of Vietnam, building log cabins, and simply playing ball. Many of the memoirs remind us of the importance of family and communities. The Early College students tackled social issues, home life, and friendship.

While reading through the pieces in this publication it is undeniable that these voices are important. Everyone has a story to tell and after reading Look Up it may inspire you to reach out and learn more about those around you.

This publication was funded by a generous grant from the Women’s Fund of the Indiana University Foundation. Look up was edited by Whitney Reeves, with English faculty Tanya Perkins. Perkins also served as faculty coordinator for the “Red Wolves Write with Older Adults” project. Library instruction and service learning coordinator KT Lowe facilitated the Early College poetry program.

If you would like to obtain a copy of Look Up or have questions about the project please contact IU East Campus Library: liblearn@iue.edu

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