Since 2010, the IU East Campus Library has been involved with Third Grade Academy, providing reading adventures and learning activities. In 2014 we became the campus host site and since then have enjoyed a month of young learners in the library each summer. We can always count on support provided by the talented and giving IU East staff, faculty and students and TGA 2017 has proven to be a particularly lively and engaging learning extravaganza.
The eighteen third graders have experienced a variety of activities and interactions that teach them new content but also can help them feel comfortable within the college environment. Special thanks to the many individuals who took time to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with students in Third Grade Academy! They are Lee Ann Adams, Tomi Amburgey, Diane Baker, Austin Barancin, Kara Bellew, Chef Chomel, Christi Coryell, Taylor Donovan, Chancellor Kathy Cruz-Uribe, Katelyn Groff, Caitlynn Gunckel, Ryan Harris, Rebeckah Hester, Denice Honaker, Amy Jarecki, Carrie Longley, KT Lowe, Wes Miller, Whitney Reeves, TJ Rivard, Rufus, Neil Sabine, Tim Scales, Sarah Soper, Beth South, Mike Swain, Ann Tobin, Savannah Thomas, Ed Thornburg, Ann Tobin, and Wes Tobin.
We value our partnership with TGA and enjoyed working with educational colleagues from Richmond Community Schools: Sarah Vance, Katie Strohm-Morales, Sherrie Hickey and Stephanie Lunsford. This is the last week of Third Grade Academy and there will be an art show featuring student work on Friday, June 30, between 9:45-10:15 a.m. near The Graf. We hope to see you there!
Service engagement with the community is an important part of the IU East mission. If you would like to be involved in service, let us know!