Summer of service

Summer of service

As we settle into Fall, we pause to reflect on Summer 2017 – a summer of service. June and July were full of programs in the IU East Campus Library and Center for Service Learning that connected IU East students as mentors for K-12 youth in our community. The enriching and fun learning activities included Math Counts! tutoring, Third Grade Academy and Herstory Camp.

Math Counts!

So many dedicated students were involved in tutoring this summer! Ann Tobin, campus/community liaison for service-learning, has profiled several of them.

The Math Counts! program is generously supported by grants from the IU East Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, the Stamm Koechlein Family Foundation and the Indiana Kids program. Special thanks to tutoring coordinators Katelyn Brown and Cassidy Clouse.

Math Counts! continues this Fall and if you are excellent at math and interested in a paid position as a math tutor (plus you get a cool, special edition t-shirt), contact Ann soon!

Third Grade Academy

For the 6th year, the IU East Campus Library was a host site for the highly effective Third Grade Academy (TGA) program. Sponsored by Every Child Can Read and the Richmond Community Schools, TGA provides students entering 4th grade with an opportunity to hone their reading skills, at outreach education sites throughout Richmond. Led by RCS certified teachers, the month-long daily classes feature reading instruction. Special programs unique to host sites are provided and at IU East we offered activities ranging from songs and dance to puppets and knot-tying. Special thanks to library student staff and elementary education major Katelyn Groff who created and facilitated many interactive educational projects. Take a look at the variety of projects and the many talents of IU East student, faculty and staff!

Herstory Camp

Herstory Camp resulted from research that library director Frances Yates worked on in women’s history. The “women of valor” project focused on the intersection of faith and action for social justice. Twenty-four girls ages 12-17 and seven IU East student mentors gathered for 3 days of research that culminated in creative performances to share knowledge they learned. Featured women that camp participants chose to profile included Sojourner Truth, Prudence Crandall, Emily Howland, Mary Edwards Walker, Mother Jones, Ernestine Rose, Pauli Murray, Gloria Stenem, Mazie Hirono, and Tulsi Gabbard. Special thanks are due to our talented college mentors Cindy Andersen, Hannah Castor, Emily Clarke, Cassidy Clouse, Whitney Reeves, Maddie Truitt, Jenny Yergin; to project assistant Katelyn Groff and to the uniquely talented performances of library instruction coordinator KT Lowe.

Service, and more service….

Many service opportunities are available throughout the year. Whether you like the outdoors, youth, older adults, animals, the environment, history, or more…there is likely a match we can make to connect YOU with the community. Contact to find out more!

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