Non-fiction knowledge!

Non-fiction knowledge!

More than 300 non-fiction youth books are being added to the IU East Campus Library collection, thanks to the generosity of the Indiana University Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council. The Family R.E.A.D. program is designed to Read, Explore, Ask, and Discover a variety of ideas, perspectives and content available through a wide range of books.

Saturday, September 14, from 10-11:30 a.m. at the IU East Campus Library, families can participate in discovery centers that feature the themes of going to college, healthy eating and fitness, and Hispanic Heritage. IU East students, faculty and staff will be hosting fun learning stations that include games, dancing, food, crafts and more. Biographies, bilingual, and food books will be available to explore and can be checked out using a special Family READ community card.

Why read together?

Research consistently evidences the essential skills students gain from families reading together. Parents and caregivers can help their children develop critical thinking skills, curiosity about the world, and interest in reading about a variety of topics. In the Spring 2019 edition of Teaching Tolerance Kevin Welner, director of the National Educational Policy Center, explained “We’re social learners … we learn when we’re more engaged. … the reading itself takes on meaning when you know you’re going into that environment and share your thoughts afterward. A lot of what would otherwise maybe not be very compelling reading becomes compelling because of the context we’ve created.” Dave Constantin, editorial coordinator for the Pennsylvania State Education Association, notes “Countless studies have demonstrated the clear benefits of family involvement in children’s reading—from improving early literacy and critical-reading skills to boosting social-emotional learning. When that’s done in tandem with educators and reinforced regularly in a social setting, it creates a powerful incentive to learn and fosters a greater sense of community and shared goals.”

To learn about the advantages of family and communal reading, there are many sources available through the IU East Campus Library. Want to know more? Just Ask Us!

Bus, A. G., van IJzendoorn, M.,H., & Pellegrini, A. D. (1995). Joint book reading makes for success in learning to read: A meta-analysis on intergenerational transmission of literacy.Review of Educational Research, 65(1), 1-25. Retrieved from

Cadieux, A., & Boudreault, P. (2005). The effects of parent-child paired reading program on reading abilities, phonological awareness and self-concept of at-risk pupils. Reading Improvement, 42(4), 224-237. Retrieved from

Chance, R. (2010). Family literacy programs: Opportunities and possibilities. Teacher Librarian, 37, 8-12. Retrieved from

Constantin, D. (2019). Reading together: How one group of parents created space for their children to learn, think, and teach about social justice. Teaching Tolerance, 61. Retrieved from

Dipardo, A., & Schnack, P. (2004). Expanding the web of meaning: Thought and emotion in an intergenerational reading and writing program. Reading Research Quarterly, 39(1), 14-37. Retrieved from

Klein, O., & Kogan, I. (2013). Does reading to children enhance their educational success? Child Indicators Research, 6(2), 321-344. doi:

Pagan, S., & Sénéchal, M. (2014). Involving parents in a summer book reading program to promote reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary in grade 3 and grade 5 children.Canadian Journal of Education, 37(2), 1-31. Retrieved from

Sukhram, D. P., & Hsu, A. (2012). Developing reading partnerships between parents and children: A reflection on the reading together program. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(2), 115-121. doi:

Van Duinen, D. V., Hamilton, E. R., & Rumohr-Voskuil, G. (2017). Challenging constructions together: Implications of a mother-daughter book club for classroom practice. Voices from the Middle, 24(4), 67-73. Retrieved from

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