The Indiana University East Campus Library always welcomes classes in the Library. We were delighted that art faculty Sam Kelly brought his Painting and Drawing class for a “Drawing in the Library Day.” To gain a deeper knowledge of artists and their works, students perused library resources such as G. Braque, Refigured painting, American images, and more. After selecting an artist, students sat down to begin their assignment of making master transcriptions of artists’ works. For online resources, check out the Grove Dictionary of Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, or search our eBook collection here.
Below are some of the masterpieces that Sam Kell’s students created, using graphite pencils and sketchbooks to draw.

Top Row (L-R): After Chagall by Autumn Bleil; After Renoir by Alisha Rismiller.
Bottom Row (L-R): After Kokoshka by Lisa Fultz; After Patricia Monahan by Corey Scott.

Want to bring out the artist in you? Whether you are into digital photography, visual design, or just want a better understanding of the elements of drawing, Open Culture offers free art & art history courses online. Museums and libraries have opened up the world of art to all by digitizing their collections and making them available. The vast collections of more than 2 million paintings, sculptures, photographs, books, and more can be found from 20 world-class museums. Google Arts & Culture allows users to explore museums, research artists, and experience cultures from around the world through videos, activities, and more.

You are never too young to enjoy art! Family READ Creativity and ERFO: ART have online resources and activities to provide families and youth with creative and engaging learning content.
Faculty are welcome to contact Library Director Frances Yates to schedule classes in the library or discuss project partnerships. If you need any assistance with research on this topic, Ask Us! or click here: