IU East offers many resources through Career Services for building job hunting, résumé, and interviewing skills. These include tutorials and web resources, and special events, one of which will be offered, in partnership with Athletics, on Wednesday, January 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Student Events Center (on the Lingle Court). In this Mock Interview session, all students are invited to practice interviewing skills in a safe, low-stakes environment with helpful IU East staff. You can learn more and register here.
The library can be very useful, as well, offering many guides and tools to improve your interview skills. Books like Knock ‘em Dead Job Interview: Turn Job Interviews into Paychecks by Martin Yate, Interview Skills That Win the Job: Simple Techniques for Answering All the Tough Questions by Michael Spiropoulos, Job Skills +: Job Interview Basics by PJ Gray, Interview Skills: Presenting Yourself with Confidence by Sajitha Jayaprakash, or Job Interviews for Dummies by Joyce Lain Kennedy are perfect to position you well for landing a good job. We also offer databases like Career & Technical Education and libguides like this one to help you locate and evaluate a career opportunity – remember, you’re not just selling yourself to a job in an interview. They have to sell themselves to you, as well!

You’ve got the skills and talent for a great job. If you need help finding resources to help promote yourself, Ask Us at iueref@iue.edu Or click this button:
If you are a staff member who would like to volunteer to be an interviewer for the Mock Interview, contact Cassandra Miller in Career Services at cnm3@iu.edu