Mental Health – free resources and a free t-shirt

Mental Health – free resources and a free t-shirt

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the theme this year is ‘Look Around, Look Within’. 

‘Around’ includes the environment – neighborhood, social circle, family, and workplace – while ‘within’ refers both to introspection, and to a candid appraisal of one’s personal risk factors like genetic makeup.  These influences work together to help or hurt one’s mental well-being.  About one in five Americans deals with mental health issues at some point in their life, and the last few years have offered unprecedented stress on all segments of society, exacerbating the problem.

Many national groups and government organizations are offering resources, including Mental Health America with a downloadable ‘toolkit’ of information, posters, and DIY tools; the National Institutes of Health which are offering a number of webinars; and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration which offers direct support for people suffering from mental illness.  Indiana University, too, is dedicated to alleviating mental health problems and contributing to the wholeness of the IU community, particularly for students. 

Online counselling sessions are available for students via Timely Care, and in-person care with our Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Jennifer Claypoole (her office is in Springwood 224, and sessions can be scheduled by phone or online).  Employees can also get help through the SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program.  IU recognizes that needing help is normal and is committed to helping maintain the mental well-being of our community.

The library also offers many reliable resources to help with mental wholeness.  Mental health topics in books range from the wellness of students and faculty to social and genetic causes.  Titles held in IU East’s databases include Mental Health Care in the College Community by Jerald Kay, Positive Psychology on the College Campus by John C. Wade, Self-Help That Works: Resources to Improve Emotional Health and Strengthen Relationships by John C. Norcross, Psychiatric Genetics: Applications in Clinical Practice by Ming Tsuang, The College Wellness Guide: A Student’s Guide to Managing Mental, Physical, and Social Health on Campus by Casey Rowley Barneson, and Positive Mental Health for School Leaders by Samuel Stones.

The library also provides access to databases like PsycInfo, ProQuest Psychology, OxResearch, and Wiley Online Library; which include high quality, vetted articles appropriate both for deep scholarship or more casual learning.  Whatever the need, there is something to help.

While supplies last, you can pick-up a free “Mental Health Matters” t-shirt at the IU East Campus Library in Hayes Hall. Just stop in between 8 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday

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