The Synergy of Communities of Practice and Mentoring

The Synergy of Communities of Practice and Mentoring

On July 18th, two IU East Librarians will be attending the Academic Libraries of Indiana’s (ALI) Unconference on Communities of Practice and Mentorship. Assistant Librarian of Access Services Beth South currently chairs ALI’s Mentorship Committee and will be presenting on the work of the mentorship committee and mentoring within libraries. Assistant Librarian of Instruction KT Lowe is also a member of the mentorship committee and will discuss communities of practice within libraries. In terms of personal and professional development Communities of Practice (CoPs) and mentoring are two powerful tools that everyone should consider taking part in at some point in their studies or career. Each concept has its own strength and can stand well on its own, but when combined, they can enhance one’s experience for continuous learning and growth.

What Are Communities of Practice?

Communities of Practice are groups of individuals who share a common interest, profession, or passion. These groups come together to learn and share knowledge, solve problems, and innovate within their field around a practice that includes sharing resources, experiences, and stories.   

The Power of Mentoring

Mentoring, on the other hand, is a more focused and personalized form of development. It involves a relationship between a mentor, who offers guidance and support, and a mentee, who seeks to learn and grow. Mentoring can occur in various forms, from formal programs within organizations to informal relationships that develop naturally. It’s even possible for one mentor to have more than one mentee and vice versa. Mentors provide valuable insights, share experiences, and offer feedback that help mentees navigate their career paths and personal development. They serve as role models, sounding boards, and advisors, helping mentees build confidence, develop skills, and expand their professional networks.

The Synergy of CoPs and Mentoring

When Communities of Practice and mentoring are combined, the benefits increase. CoPs provide a rich environment for mentoring relationships to flourish and are a great way to make mentoring connections one-on-one, either with a mentor/mentee relationship or with a peer. Most CoPs come together organically, and sometimes informally, due to a need, but a more intentional CoP that blends mentoring together is known as a Peer Mentoring Circle (PMC).  Within a PMC, individuals work with and learn from their peers who bring diverse perspectives, and all individuals act as mentors/mentees to each other. This deepens the mentoring experience, offering participants a broader range of insights and approaches to learning and problem-solving. PMCs enhance mentoring by encouraging an environment of collective learning and support. Members can engage in group discussions, share best practices, and collaborate on projects. This collaborative atmosphere supports continuous learning and innovation, as members learn from each other and collectively advance their knowledge and skills. Additionally, a PMC provides a supportive network that can amplify the impact of mentoring. This broad support helps mentees gain confidence, tackle challenges creatively, and build a more comprehensive understanding of their field.

For mentors, PMCs offer opportunities to refine their mentoring skills and stay current with emerging trends and ideas. Engaging with peers in a PMC or CoP allows mentors to share their experiences, gain new insights, and continuously improve their own practice. This active exchange keeps mentors motivated and engaged, ensuring that they continue to grow alongside their mentees. This culture of learning benefits not only the individual but also the organization they work for. Organizations will be stronger and more successful by leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of their members and allow professional fulfillment.

Library Resources

As our librarians prepare for their presentations, we’d like to share some of the resources that the IU East Campus Library has on the topics of Mentoring and Communities of Practice.   

  1. Women of color navigating mentoring relationships : critical examinations (2016)
  2. Mentoring in nursing and healthcare : supporting career and personal development (2017)
  3. The art of listening in coaching and mentoring (2019)
  4. The handbook of community practice (2013)
  5. A community of practice approach to improving gender equality in research (2023)

We would also recommend the databases ProQuest One Academic or EBSCO’s Social Sciences Full Text to look for scholarly journals and articles related to mentoring and communities of practice.

There are also lots of great information and examples freely available online on Peer Mentoring Circles, such as Mentoring Circles from professional organization Educause, IU Indianapolis LIFT Mentoring Circles, UNC’s TEAM ADVANCE Peer Mentoring Circle, as well as ALI’s own Peer Mentoring Circle ran by the Mentorship Committee. You can learn more about this program from Assistant Librarian Beth South or if you want to conduct more research on CoP’s and mentoring in general, just Ask Us! At

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