Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Banning and Challenging Books

Banning and Challenging Books

“Your position is that under the Constitution, the advertising for this book or the sale for the book itself could be prohibited?” – Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy “If the book contained the functional equivalent of express advocacy.” – Deputy Solicitor General Malcom Stewart, attorney for the FEC – Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) American libraries stand on the First Amendment, taking as a bedrock principle that citizens’ right to read whatever they want must not be abridged.  The desire to censor or control what other people have access to is insidious; and can be found in people of every creed and ideology.  To draw attention to this risk, for forty years the American Library … Continued
New Nursing Resources for a New School Year

New Nursing Resources for a New School Year

The IU East Campus Library has new resources to help students and faculty locate clinical and healthcare related scholarly journals and articles. We now subscribe to ProQuest’s Nursing and Allied Health Premium.This database provides access to over 700 scholarly journals, 350 training videos, case studies, and multicultural reports that can help healthcare providers in working with patients from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. It also includes illustrations and photos that students can study and include in their research and presentations. Example: To find a specific journal, we now have access to BrowZine, a tool that enables searching for a journal by title, subject, or ISSN. We recommend nursing students check the Biomedical and Health Sciences BrowZine Library, which allows you … Continued
Happy Birthday, World Wide Web!

Happy Birthday, World Wide Web!

On August 1, 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at CERN created the term “world wide web” to describe an interconnected universe of information.  The first graphics-based web browser, Mosaic, was developed only a few years later by computer scientist Marc Andreesen, then working for the University of Illinois.  While other text-based browsers already existed, like Gopher and Lynx, it was Mosaic that pointed the way toward what most people think of as the Internet today.  Considering the ubiquity of online information, commerce and entertainment, it is worth examining tools and tricks that make the Internet safer, easier and more useful.  For instance, special operators are an easy way to make any search engine work better.  A tilde (the ~ … Continued
Service-Learning:  10 years of campus-community connections

Service-Learning:  10 years of campus-community connections

The Center for Service-Learning (CSL) provides opportunities “to enrich the campus and community through educationally meaningful service that helps students become socially responsible citizens.” For the past ten years, Coordinator of Service-Learning Ann Tobin has helped students turn these opportunities into positive outcomes. From tutoring and mentoring programs in local schools and on-campus, to service-learning projects in a variety of IU East courses, Ann has helped IU East students grow personally and professionally. She has facilitated partnerships with numerous community organizations and schools and served as the advisor for the Circle K International student service organization, which is the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis. Some images of Ann’s service engagement over the past decade can be found here and featured … Continued
Firsthand Information

Firsthand Information

In research, it is always a good idea to examine the primary sources, and not trust another author to act as an intermediary.  Firsthand, contemporaneous accounts of anything that happens – a historic event, a scientific experiment, the minutia of day-to-day life – are irreplaceable for historians decades or even centuries later.  Their existence allows later researchers to strip away the layers of exaggeration, dimming memory, hagiography, or demonization that can build up on stories told and retold over time.  Primary sources are those created by the participants in the events that are described.  These can be diaries and journals, letters and legal contracts, even blogs and emails. The library offers numerous databases focused on primary source material from a … Continued