Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

The End Has Come

The End Has Come

The end of the semester is upon us!  If you have last-minute research needs, we are here to assist. Perhaps an article you selected earlier in the semester doesn’t quite fit the way you thought it would, or you need one or two more sources to elucidate on some point.  Your Campus Library has many tools to assist you. These include on-site books and ebooks and full text articles in databases.  You may have special restrictions on the material you choose – for example, that it be peer reviewed (most databases can limit to solely this type of article), or that it be primary – that is, created by a participant in the event described.  Fortunately, a lot of primary … Continued
Earth Week at IU East

Earth Week at IU East

April celebrates environmental awareness, from Earth Day to Arbor Day. IU East is celebrating Earth Week April 15-18th with a theme for each day: Meatless Monday, Trees & Trails Tuesday, Water Wednesday, and Red Wolf Threatened Thursday. The IU East Campus Library has many databases that provide in depth research information in all these areas, and the Richmond Community has lots of resources that provide environmental education and fun outdoor activities. Library Databases for Research Meatless Monday promotes vegetarianism and vegan diets or at least encourage people to eat more plant based foods and cut out meat one day a week. There is a lot of different viewpoints and research involved with people’s relationship with food, their diets, and the … Continued
Lora Kay Baldwin (September 17, 1958 to March 29, 2019)

Lora Kay Baldwin (September 17, 1958 to March 29, 2019)

~ a reflection by colleague and friend Sue McFadden Did you ever meet Lora Baldwin? Lora Baldwin was a student at IU East in 1980, she became a librarian on campus in 1985, and we became friends in 1987. As a member of the faculty since 1985, Lora was pragmatic, smart, just, and caring. Through committee work, community service, and her role as a librarian, Lora met many people and many may remember her smile and friendly demeanor. Chances are good that if you were a student at IU East from 1985 to 1994, you were instructed by Lora on how to use the library. By 1991 she had a second masters in educational psychology and was tenured and promoted … Continued
Latino Expo and beyond

Latino Expo and beyond

IU East is committed to diversity and inclusion and funding is available to support learning and professional development.  Recently, the IU East Diversity Fund provided financial resources so two faculty and five students could attend the Indiana University Latino Expo. Business faculty Dr. Jaynne Rivas and business major Eric Mejia shared their conference experiences, which are excerpted below. IU East also supports learning and research through library collections that feature diverse resources. Library Coordinator of Reference Matthew Dilworth highlights some books and databases that focus on content related to topics discussed at the 2019 Latino Expo. The keynote speaker, Dr. Carmen Henne-Ochoa, shared her experience of growing up as a Latin American immigrant in the US: “We have the privilege … Continued
Fair Trade

Fair Trade

We hear a lot in the news today about ‘fair trade’ deals.  What they are, whether they were good deals or not, how they’ve benefited or not benefited the country.  Implicit in this thinking is that the principle of free trade – the unrestricted ability to market goods around the world, without fear of tariffs or protectionism – is an unambiguous benefit for all participants.  The near-unanimity, across the political spectrum, includes major economic theorists like Milton Friedman and Paul Krugman (although Krugman has begun to have doubts in recent years), and goes all the way back to Adam Smith.  And within this kind of open environment, many consumers have embraced fair trade – a willingness to pay above-market costs … Continued