Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Alumni Oral Histories

Alumni Oral Histories

Hello! My name is Cassidy Clouse; I’m the bicentennial intern at IU East this semester. I’m an Honors student double majoring in Psychology and Human Life Science with minors in Chemistry and Neuroscience, and after graduation I will attend graduate school to obtain my PsyD. On campus I am a student ambassador, Supplemental Instructor for Physics, Treasurer of Student Government Association, Vice President of Psychology Club, and Secretary of the service-learning Circle K Club. My main purpose as the bicentennial intern is to document IU East history. Along with other student workers in the library, I’ve been indexing and categorizing archived student newspapers, The Pioneer Press, from the 1970s. The biggest way history will be documented on our campus is … Continued
Finding Your Past

Finding Your Past

In A Chance in the World, this year’s One Book, Steve Pemberton recounts his history as an orphan in the foster care system. Untethered from any roots, he conducted a search for his birth family and located his grandparents and all four of his siblings, who had been fostered with different families.  The experience was part of a long effort to reconcile his personal identity. Most of us don’t face nearly the same challenge in identifying our family, but even so, how many of us can go much further back than our great-grandparents? Genealogy is the search for our roots, building a family tree of names, dates, and history that shaped how we came into this world. And it can … Continued
Are you planning to join the Banned?

Are you planning to join the Banned?

Have you read any of the following books in the past year? a. The Fellowship of the Ring, by J. R. R. Tolkien b. Any book in the Harry Potter series c. Looking for Alaska, by John Green d. The Holy Bible If you have read at least one of the above books in the past year, congratulations: you’ve read a banned book. Banned books are titles that have been challenged or banned from public institutions, schools and other places, often at the behest of concerned parents or members of the public. While the aims of these individuals seem wholesome on the surface, their actions constitute censorship, denying you access to books and other reading or viewing materials you want … Continued
IU East Alumni Nate Prendergraft explores Wayne Works History

IU East Alumni Nate Prendergraft explores Wayne Works History

Nate Pendergraft is a recent Indiana University East graduate with light brown hair neatly combed to the side. His cowboy boots click on the tile floor as he walks. He leisurely stuffs his hands in his pockets as I study the rotational cases in the Community Room of the Wayne County Historical Museum, near downtown Richmond, Indiana. The cases’ display has been his personal project for several months, and now he’s one of the foremost experts on yet another crown jewel of Richmond’s history: Wayne Works. Established first as Whitt-Whippo in 1837, Wayne Works moved its facilities to Richmond in 1875. Its entire business model was built on quality vehicles that were both safe and reliable. Wayne Works and its … Continued
Constitution Day: Celebration and Investigation

Constitution Day: Celebration and Investigation

The United States Constitution, the oldest and shortest written constitution in the world, was signed on September 17, 1787. To commemorate this event, we at IU East are celebrating Constitution Day with activities, a contest and, of course, learning. Constitution Day events will be held at the Graf on Monday, September 19th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. You can enjoy cider and donuts as you pick up your own copy of the Constitution, register to vote and enter a contest to win one of three cash prizes. What’s the contest? All you have to do is recite the Preamble to the Constitution anytime between now and the morning of September 19th and send the video to our Constitution Day … Continued