Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Asian Pacific American Heritage

Asian Pacific American Heritage

May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, jointly sponsored by the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Gallery of Art, the National Park Service, the Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to honor and showcase the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history. Lots of these institutions, and others, offer resources and activities online. The Library of Congress offers lesson plans and classroom activities, as well as an extensive video and multimedia collection. Websites like Asian Nation offer tools, statistics, infographics, and more. The IU East Campus Library offers a multitude of high-quality scholarly resources. Databases like the Asian Studies eBook Collection offer … Continued
IU East Faculty Publications

IU East Faculty Publications

IU East is proud of its faculty and their accomplishments. A display of many faculty writings, both books and articles, is being showcased at the library to celebrate these achievements. Come in and see how much your professors have done – or read some of their work! IU East professors publish in every major discipline. Some of their books include Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers by Ange Cooksey, Anger Management in Schools: Alternatives to Student Violence by Jerry Wilde, Vikings Across the Atlantic: Emigration and the Building of a Greater Norway, 1860-1945 by Daron Olson, Social Justice, Poverty and Race by Paul Kriese, and Angelic Airs, Subversive Songs: Music as Social Discourse in the Victorian Novel … Continued
Opening Minds through Art (OMA) – ready for summer!

Opening Minds through Art (OMA) – ready for summer!

Are you looking for a summer activity that is creative and inspiring? Consider being an art partner with elders experiencing dementia, in the Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program. After successful sessions in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, we are excited to again be participants in this program with Friends Fellowship Community. Training is on June 9 and 10, and a six-week OMA program begins on June 14 for Tuesday participants and on June 16 for Thursday participants. If you are interested, you need to complete an application, available here or from the Center for Service Learning office, located in the Library in Hayes Hall. You also must pass a two-step Mantoux TB test, which will be provided by Friends … Continued
Foster Care Month

Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month, celebrated since 1988 in honor of people who care for orphaned and displaced children – from foster parents and their family members to child social workers to volunteers to mentors. In 2016, the theme of NFCM is family reunification – “Honoring, Uniting, and Celebrating Families.” Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, it highlights the needs of many children who, for whatever reason, do not have the security of a normal, loving family. A child might be in the foster system for many reasons – orphaned, abandoned, or their parents incapacitated in some way. Frequently, though, children entering the foster care system are victims of abuse or neglect, necessitating their separation … Continued
Poetry Slam!

Poetry Slam!

Join us on April 29 as we celebrate National Poetry month, the Red Wolves Write program, and the Latino Americans special events series. The Early College 8th grade students from Hibberd middle school will be presenting their original slam poetry on Friday, April 29 at 8:45 a.m. Campus and community members are welcome! There will be light refreshments and some special edition Red Wolves Write t-shirts available. Most importantly, this is an opportunity to encourage young adults in their creative and personal endeavors. Slam Poetry was introduced at the Nuyorican Poetry Café in New York City in 1975, and has strong ties with the Latino community. As a form, slam poetry has become increasingly popular with young adults, with statewide … Continued