Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Celebration of Service

Celebration of Service

The IU East Academic Outreach Summer Tutoring Program wrapped up this past week, with thirteen IU East students tutoring a total of 38 K-12 students for 165 hours. Completing 155 sessions over the course of eleven weeks, all registrants were accommodated, even those on the waitlist. All of the parents/guardians (21) that completed evaluations agreed that the summer tutoring program helped their child. Thirteen of the 21 parents agreed that their child understood the subject(s) better than before tutoring, with seven of these parents saying they couldn’t be sure until the school year started. All of the students but one who completed evaluations (22) agreed that their tutor helped them, and 17 out of 22 said they felt like they … Continued
Building from ideas and research

Building from ideas and research

Construction is in the air at IU East! The new Student Events and Activities Center is taking shape! New buildings are always a welcome barometer of progress. IU East has grown from just Whitewater, to include Hayes, Middlefork (later renamed Tom Raper), and Springwood Halls. It is worth noting that all of those things were built from pieces. Some of the pieces were physical – lumber, pipes, wiring, drywall. Others were conceptual – ideas, plans, vision. Research is like that, too. First you have an idea – a topic you’re interested in, or a question you have. And you think about it, refining it and making choices about what would make a good paper, project, or experiment. Then, when it … Continued
Latino Americans: 500 Years of History hosted by IU East

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History hosted by IU East

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History is a public programming initiative produced by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA), and is part of an NEH initiative, The Common Good: The Humanities in the Public Square. Indiana University East is the proud recipient of a $10,000 ALA/NEH which will enable us to host a variety of programs throughout the 2015-16 school year. We kick off our theme year on September 8th with the first of six episodes of the critically acclaimed PBS series Latino Americans. Films will be shown alternately at the Morrison Reeves Library and at IU East. Film discussions will be led by Dr. Christine Nemcik, who serves as the program … Continued
Student Marisa Vanzant shares the message of Positive

Student Marisa Vanzant shares the message of Positive

The One Book, Many Voices program here at IU East continues this year with Positive by Paige Rawl. As a student and employee here at IU East, I am very excited for everyone to get the chance to read this important book, meet the author, share personal stories, etc. Not only is the story riveting, but it also has powerful messages that can be taken away by people of all ages and situations. Paige is an Indiana native and current college student, so students can definitely relate to her story, as well as anyone else who reads the book. Positive is a story of strength, dedication, struggle, and overcoming ignorance. There are extremely dark moments and extremely happy moments. You … Continued
Summer of service continues

Summer of service continues

New this summer is a tutoring program for K-12 youth in the Wayne County community. It is coordinated by Ann Tobin, campus/community liaison in the Center for Service-Learning, and IU East student Katelyn Brown, who initiated it for an Honors service project. IU East education faculty Denice Honaker provided literacy trainer for 14 IU East students serving as tutors. Representing a variety of majors, these college students help 30 young students gain an understanding of reading, math, and science. They are Kristina Kier, Dillon Hildebrand, Sarah Hensley, Hope Alexander, Hannah Castor, Hope Peer, Coty Barrett, Kaylyn Flora, Trevor Boram, Alex Estes, and Heather Rastbichler. IU East science faculty Dr. Simran Banga also serves as a tutor and plans to coordinate … Continued