Frances Yates

Frances Yates

Third Grade Academy + IU East = learning success!

Third Grade Academy + IU East = learning success!

Since 2010, the IU East Campus Library has been involved with Third Grade Academy, providing reading adventures and learning activities. In 2014 we became the campus host site and since then have enjoyed a month of young learners in the library each summer. We can always count on support provided by the talented and giving IU East staff, faculty and students and TGA 2017 has proven to be a particularly lively and engaging learning extravaganza. The eighteen third graders have experienced a variety of activities and interactions that teach them new content but also can help them feel comfortable within the college environment. Special thanks to the many individuals who took time to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with students … Continued
Indiana University Class of 2030 has arrived!

Indiana University Class of 2030 has arrived!

  Yes, you read correctly. Students currently in 3rd grade who stay on track through high school and attending IU East, will graduate college in 2030. IU East is again, for the 8th summer, hosting Third Grade Academy. This program helps students become stronger readers and prepares them for academic success. We are a program site for two classes meeting daily throughout June, with a total of 20 children.    In addition to enhancing their reading skills, TGA students interact with college students, faculty and staff for a variety of fun activities. This summer that includes quilting, knot-tying, drawing, Japanese calligraphy, poetry, pottery and more. They also get to tour campus, walk the nature trails, visit the nursing lab and … Continued
2nd annual Read Out to celebrate IU Day!

2nd annual Read Out to celebrate IU Day!

Red Wolves Read again! The IU East Community Read Out will be on Wednesday, April 19, in celebration of IU Day. This all-day, anytime event gives alumni, students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to share a love of reading and IU pride. This year, the first 250 people who register to read will receive a free Read Out t-shirt. To pledge to read 15 minutes or more on April 19, simply complete this easy form: After you register, you can pick up your t-shirt at the Campus Library. Last year, 200 registered participants read to 2759 people, including students, families and colleagues. They read in classes, meetings, parks, and more. This year our goal is 250 readers, so register … Continued
OMA: Opening Minds through Art

OMA: Opening Minds through Art

Now in its second year, Opening Minds through Art (OMA) is an intergenerational program bringing students together with elders with dementia to produce failure-free works of abstract art. OMA is highly interactive, with the student acting as a facilitator for the elder artist’s vision and abilities. IU East has partnered with Friends Fellowship Community in Richmond to continue this award-winning, enlightening program. Friends Fellowship is the only facility in the state of Indiana to offer OMA to its residents. OMA uses art projects as a basis for communication between students and elder artists. The end results, besides impressive works of art, include increased self esteem for the artists and increased awareness of dementia for the students. Melissa Baxter, OMA Program … Continued
Opening Minds through Art (OMA) – ready for summer!

Opening Minds through Art (OMA) – ready for summer!

Are you looking for a summer activity that is creative and inspiring? Consider being an art partner with elders experiencing dementia, in the Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program. After successful sessions in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, we are excited to again be participants in this program with Friends Fellowship Community. Training is on June 9 and 10, and a six-week OMA program begins on June 14 for Tuesday participants and on June 16 for Thursday participants. If you are interested, you need to complete an application, available here or from the Center for Service Learning office, located in the Library in Hayes Hall. You also must pass a two-step Mantoux TB test, which will be provided by Friends … Continued