Frances Yates

Frances Yates

Academic outreach connects expertise and opportunity

Academic outreach connects expertise and opportunity

The IU East Campus Library is an active place this summer! We hosted two Third Grade Academy (TGA) classes, coordinated the 2nd annual Crime Camp, produced two new educational television shows in collaboration with WCTV, and are the site for the Center for Service-Learning tutoring program.  Seventy-five IU East faculty, staff and students have impacted 70 youth with interactive educational programs that focus on a range of literacy skills in reading math, and science, as well as critical thinking and cultural arts. In this week’s blog we feature TGA and Crime Camp. “I love to read now!” ~ TGA participant During Third Grade Academy, 24 students joined us for 4 weeks, experiencing the many interesting activities IU East has available. … Continued
Latin American Resources

Latin American Resources

The United States is undergoing a massive demographic shift, as immigration again changes our national character and makeup. But in recent decades, the influx of people has not been from Europe but from our own hemisphere – Mexico, Central, and South America. And like generations of previous immigrants, these new Americans bring their own vibrant culture, interweaving it with the multifaceted tapestry that is already here. Richmond seems far away from the southern border, but almost all of us have still been touched in some way by Hispanic culture – neighbors, friends, coworkers, and colleagues. Perhaps you’re curious about these cultures, and want to know more. The library has plenty of tools to study Latin American and Hispanic culture – … Continued
Summer Reading

Summer Reading

Summer is the perfect time for reading! Although our mental image of summer reading may be entertaining books, perhaps on a beach chair near the ocean, it can take different forms. Maybe you’re a student taking a summer class, filling your days with textbooks. Maybe you’re an adult who treasures this time for indulging in the latest philosophy or self-help or cooking book. You can also enjoy reading by helping with a summer reading program for youth. There are several local programs – including at Morrison Reeves Library (for adults, teens, and children), New Castle Henry County Public Library, or the Centerville Public Library. IU East participates in summer reading as well, working with Third Grade Academy. This summer reading … Continued
2015 and we’re ready with new library staff, enhanced service-learning, and One Book choices!

2015 and we’re ready with new library staff, enhanced service-learning, and One Book choices!

Library news you can use Welcome to our new Coordinator of Library Instruction and Service-Learning, Katherine (KT) Lowe! KT comes to IU East with work experience at a correctional facility, art gallery, and a variety of museums. Her skills include creating multimedia learning resources, lesson plan design, and legal research. KT earned several degrees at U. of Mich – Ann Arbor: a BA in Asian Studies, Graduate certificate in Museum Studies, and a Master of Science in Information. You can find KT in her library office (Hayes 140A), via phone at 765-973-8434 or email A quick guide of who’s doing what in the library and how we can help: Center for Service-Learning (CSL) updates There is a new registration … Continued
I Will Write Peace on Your Wings

I Will Write Peace on Your Wings

November 17th is World Peace Day, a time when people focus on how they can bring peace through their own grassroots actions (in contrast to holidays like September’s International Day of Peace, which focuses more on global efforts to end wars). Started in 1997 by Don Morris, World Peace Day gives agency to ordinary people who might be unable to contribute to global initiatives. Small, personal acts of personal growth and transformation are celebrated – it is a truly ‘grassroots’ holiday, independent from any specific government or religious organization. One story that inspired Morris was the tale of the Thousand Origami Cranes – a Japanese legend that anyone who folds 1,000 paper cranes will be granted a single wish. In … Continued