Frances Yates

Frances Yates

Student researchers’ special projects for Summer 2018

Student researchers’ special projects for Summer 2018

The IU East Campus Library is host to two students immersed in two different, and very interesting, research topics. An art tradition for forty years: The Whitewater Valley Art Competition Brittany Yoder, a Junior Communications major, was selected as an IU Bicentennial intern for summer 2018, to work on a “Connecting Campus and Community through Art” project. This internship is hosted by the IU Office of the Bicentennial. Under the supervision of IU East Archivist Beth South, Brittany will document the history of ways in which the campus engages with the community through art outreach. The project will be housed in an Omeka presentation site, within the “Arts in Culture” theme.  Selective content highlights will also be integrated into the … Continued
Spotlight on Service: School of Nursing

Spotlight on Service: School of Nursing

The School of Nursing has long been active in service learning. This past fall, students in Curtis and Jennifer Bow’s Alternatives in Neuropsychology Practicum and Health of the Community Practicum courses contributed 85 hours of service in New York city, Washington DC, Belize and Eaton, OH, leading to a remarkable total of 94,184 interactions. To gain such an impressive number, they served meals, offered health advice, led education sessions and provided flu shots and vitamins. All of the service projects involved were connected with various neighborhood and community organizations who clearly benefited from the assistance of IU East students. For instance, students in the Health of the Community class, who traveled to Roaring Creek, Belize, were able to provide vitamin … Continued
Embrace your voice

Embrace your voice

“Embrace your voice” is the theme for the 2018 Sexual Assault Awareness Month. One of the ways to amplify voices is to teach youth about body (aka bodily) autonomy. Body autonomy is the concept that an individual “owns” one’s body. Teaching children about body autonomy can help them understand the importance of consent in everything related to their own body. IU East Campus Library staff have gathered resources we hope will help educators, caregivers and guardians convey to children an understanding of the idea of “my body is mine.” Links to books, websites, media and research articles are in this resource guide: Selected content is highlighted in this blog. A list of sexual assault awareness month events at IU … Continued
From the past to the present: Continuing community engagement at Indiana University East

From the past to the present: Continuing community engagement at Indiana University East

The IU East campus has a long history of community engagement. IU Bicentennial intern Maureen Girdler is learning about that throughout the Spring 2018 semester. From interviews with students, staff and faculty, and research using historical documents in the IU East archives, she presents here some highlights of the past editions of the Pioneer Press student newspaper, as well as some reflections from members of the IU East community who have been engaged in service. Circle-K Club, then and now Circle-K Club originally started in 1976. It is a college-based service organization affiliated with the national Kiwanis. After several years’ hiatus, a new Circle-K club was chartered at IU East, in 2016. Rachel Johnson, President of Circle-K at IU East, … Continued
IU Bicentennial intern documents IU East history of community engagement

IU Bicentennial intern documents IU East history of community engagement

The IU Office of the Bicentennial supports initiatives to document the history of all IU campuses. During the Spring 2018 semester, IU Bicentennial intern Maureen Girdler is researching the History of Community Engagement at the IU East campus. Maureen is an online student majoring in Communications, who will graduate in May 2018.  She is collaborating on the project with IU East archivist Beth South and library director Frances Yates. To accomplish the task of learning about the variety and extent of more than 40 years of community engagement, Maureen is interviewing students, alumni, faculty and staff. She is also utilizing an index to the Pioneer Press, which was the original student newspaper at IU East. Additionally, there are photos to explore … Continued