Jesse Whitton

Jesse Whitton

The New A-Z Index!

The New A-Z Index!

The IU East Campus Library has a newly improved A-Z database index! To help orient you through the enhanced, user-friendly layout, we have pointed out where items are located. If you have any questions about navigating through our extensive collection of databases, please Ask Us!  or simply click this button: 1. Under “Libguides,” you will discover links to our Subject Database, expert guidance on Master Research techniques, and access the IU East Archives. 2. Look under “Library Tools” for a selection of browsing tool resources. BrowZine lets you view articles directly within the journal issue, while Find-it facilitates searching via specific article and database titles. Need a resource we do not currently have? Utilize Interlibrary Loan. Use LibKey Nomad, … Continued
Exploring Library Databases

Exploring Library Databases

Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites. In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Additionally, Ebook Central provides access to a vast library of over 220,000 ebooks across 50 subject areas, including health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science … Continued
Breaking the Silence: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Breaking the Silence: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month, observed every October, serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address one of society’s less talked about issues. This month-long campaign promotes awareness about domestic violence, providing a platform for survivors, advocates, and communities to come together and raise their voices against abuse. The IU East Campus Library has many resources, including the Domestic & Sexual Assault Violence Resource Guide to help you learn about domestic and sexual assault and resources available to help those who have been affected. Domestic violence has no boundaries when it comes to age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status. It can happen to anyone. “Nearly 3 in 10 women and 1 in 10 men in the US have … Continued
Welcome to the IU East Campus Library

Welcome to the IU East Campus Library

Welcome to the IU East Campus Library! Our mission is to provide resources and services that support the academic engagement and research of diverse participants in our teaching and learning community. The helpful, knowledgeable library team is available to assist you online, in-person, or via phone. The IU East Campus Library Facebook page highlights resources, events, and services. Be sure to “like” us! Electronic Resources and Collection Development Assistant Librarian Beth South manages all e-resources, including our A-Z databases, e-books, streaming media, Open Education Resources, and specialized library tools like LibKey. LibKey is a specialized browser extension that can be added to help you locate and access articles when searching websites outside of the library database like Google Scholar, PubMed, … Continued
Service-Learning:  10 years of campus-community connections

Service-Learning:  10 years of campus-community connections

The Center for Service-Learning (CSL) provides opportunities “to enrich the campus and community through educationally meaningful service that helps students become socially responsible citizens.” For the past ten years, Coordinator of Service-Learning Ann Tobin has helped students turn these opportunities into positive outcomes. From tutoring and mentoring programs in local schools and on-campus, to service-learning projects in a variety of IU East courses, Ann has helped IU East students grow personally and professionally. She has facilitated partnerships with numerous community organizations and schools and served as the advisor for the Circle K International student service organization, which is the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis. Some images of Ann’s service engagement over the past decade can be found here and featured … Continued