Jesse Whitton

Jesse Whitton

Graves: lost and found

Graves: lost and found

Photographing graves that family and others have not visited due to time, location, or other factors is currently a focused extension of the Home is History: Dead Tell Tales project. For Graves: Lost and Found, IU East Assistant Archivist Jesse Whitton is visiting cemeteries throughout the counties IU East serves, and fulfilling requests for photographs that are posted at Find a Grave. The idea for Graves: Lost and Found developed from Jesse’s collaboration with IU East library director and Home is History project coordinator Frances Yates, along with Union County Middle School English teacher Emily Snyder. Jesse assisted 8th grade students with locating graves that have had photo requests via Find-A-Grave. Despite not knowing section numbers and there being 4,647 … Continued
The World of Art

The World of Art

The Indiana University East Campus Library always welcomes classes in the Library. We were delighted that art faculty Sam Kelly brought his Painting and Drawing class for a “Drawing in the Library Day.” To gain a deeper knowledge of artists and their works, students perused library resources such as G. Braque, Refigured painting, American images, and more. After selecting an artist, students sat down to begin their assignment of making master transcriptions of artists’ works. For online resources, check out the Grove Dictionary of Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, or search our eBook collection here.  Below are some of the masterpieces that Sam Kell’s students created, using graphite pencils and sketchbooks to draw. Top Row (L-R): After Chagall … Continued
Who’s Who in the IU East Campus Library

Who’s Who in the IU East Campus Library

The IU East Campus Library welcomes you all back to campus! For some, it may have been over a year since you have been on campus and for others, this will be your first time. In case you haven’t had the chance to visit the library yet or just need a refresher on all the great services and resources your Campus Library has to offer, here is a Who to know and where to go guide.  Also, if you haven’t yet, please “like” the IU East Campus Library Facebook for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z index and updates on services and events. The library also has a multidisciplinary guide to research, to help you master research in any … Continued
Find us on Facebook!

Find us on Facebook!

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. Arts African American Music is rich with variety. Learn more about musicians Nina Simone, Millie Jackson, Roberta Flack, and other great African American artists in the International Index to Music Periodicals database. What do Harriet Hosmer, Edmonia Lewis, and Emma Stebbins have in common? They were famous neoclassical women sculptors from the mid-19th century. Learn more about them and their work, in the Oxford Art Online database. It contains more than 200,000 articles spanning ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over … Continued
Maps Maps Maps

Maps Maps Maps

Maps are useful historical documents, as the world is constantly changing. A map depicts what an area looked like at a given time as roads and buildings come and go and geographical locations evolve. The David Rumsey Map Collection contains rare 16th-21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. These maps range from atlases and globes to pocket maps, maritime charts, and books of exploration. Currently, in the David Rumsey Map Collection, there are over 107,000 items with extensive cataloging that are freely available to the public. Here are just a few maps that can be found within the collection.  Ah, Paris! The city of lights. From 1911, … Continued