Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Organizing Your Research

Organizing Your Research

Research is changing. Experts from the EBSCO corporation, which produces library databases, spoke recently with IU East library staff about their internal studies on how students used their products – and what the emerging trends are that they plan to address.  Their evidence shows that more students are doing initial research for final projects and papers much earlier in the semester, and doing it more frequently on a smartphone or mobile device, making note of or saving those materials to look through in greater depth closer to the project’s due date.  Generally, students still choose to read them on a traditional computer or laptop, but the importance of mobile devices to the research process has never been greater. But there … Continued
Un-conventional Writing

Un-conventional Writing

Recently, I had the privilege of volunteering at Teen Con, an annual sci-fi, fantasy, and comic convention held by the New Castle – Henry County Public Library.  It featured games, vendors, costumes (I was dressed as the Red Power Ranger), and panel discussions with local professionals about producing and self-publishing art, including writing, graphic works, and animation.  Lots of local authors were featured, who have written predominantly in the sci-fi, urban, and fantasy genres, including Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Stephanie Cain, Hans Cummings, and George Kramer.  They were all delighted to talk about their tradecraft, and Hans Cummings and Stephanie Cain led one of the informative panel discussions. Some of them had self-published their books, using a service such as Lulu, … Continued
You on the Market

You on the Market

“Class of 2018, the world is yours. Work hard, treat everyone kindly, and great things will happen.” – Umer Khan, class of 2018 Congratulations to all 831 of IU East’s newest graduates.  We are proud of you all, and your great work in your time with us.  But now is a time of transition – a time when most of you will take your hard-earned new skills and knowledge and turn them into a rewarding job (those that aren’t pursuing graduate studies, at any rate).  It can be scary – not just the transition, but the act of ‘selling yourself’.  Many of you are modest, and find it difficult to convey to others just how much you bring to the … Continued
Relaxing Reading

Relaxing Reading

Chances are, your summer will include books. From ‘beach’ literature to just catching up on a favorite author you didn’t have time for during the semester, immersing yourself in a good book is a time-tested use of your summer or vacation. Normally, you might think of the college library as being a place for academic literature – not exactly the kind of books you’d pack for a vacation. But we have lots of lighter reading, as well – in plenty of genres. Are you interested in comics? Our collection includes dozens of graphic novels (from superhero stories like Wonder Woman and the X-Men to more substantive fare like J Edgar Hoover, or acclaimed titles like Persepolis, Habibi, and Pride of … Continued
The March of Civil Rights

The March of Civil Rights

The tumultuous month of April, 1968 was fifty years ago. It saw a national low on April 4th, when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. And days later, on April 11th, it saw the high of President Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act into law. Locally, it also saw the explosion in downtown Richmond on April 6th – the aftermath of which, in contrast to the violence and arson and riots seen nationwide, saw black and white Richmondites working hand in hand to staunch the damage – putting out fires together, perhaps a sign of hope in the midst of national conflict. But fifty years later, the march of civil rights is not yet finished. Perhaps this legacy and … Continued