Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

GLBT Book Month

GLBT Book Month

This June, the American Library Association is sponsoring GLBT Book Month, a way of bringing attention to writers and literature written by, for, and about the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community and experience. This celebration coincides with the national LGBT Pride Month, which is held in June to memorialize the Stonewall riots of 1969, the beginning of the modern gay liberation movement. The ALA’s focus is on very recent books, highlighting works published in the popular press in the last year. These include fiction and nonfiction, and works written for adults and for children of all ages. If you’re interested, we can obtain these books or others like them for you through interlibrary loan. As a college library our … Continued
One Stop Searching

One Stop Searching

Last week, we showed you the incredible new interlibrary loan system we’re rolling out. But that isn’t the only change we’re implementing this summer. Now, looking for any library resource will be a lot easier. We’re debuting the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) – a type of meta-search engine that looks through every library database at once. EBSCO is the maker of about a third of our databases, including ones you’ve probably used like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, and CINAHL. The format and layout of the new EDS tool matches those databases, so if you’ve used one, you already know what you’re doing. And we’ve placed it prominently, so it’s easy to find. There’s a search box right on … Continued
Log Off, But Don’t Shut Down

Log Off, But Don’t Shut Down

The end of another school year will soon be upon us! Some of you might have a few classes scheduled for summer school. But for many, these months are ones of complete academic freedom. Lethargy can be an enemy, though. Studies have shown that learning is lost over the long break (particularly in the sciences), wasting time at the beginning of a semester re-learning content. And while these effects are documented far more on the K-12 level, the risks are real at the collegiate level, too. Of course, the summer break gives you time for trips or experiences that would be impossible during the normal school year. And taking those opportunities is something to be encouraged. But still, for the … Continued
Sexual Assault Awareness

Sexual Assault Awareness

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of the peril of sexual violence. This year’s theme is engaging new voices to change the culture. Here at IU East, we are holding SAAM events all through the month, including the Clothesline Project, where you can decorate a t-shirt in support of survivors, a Take Back the Night rally, a poetry slam, emergency training, and lots more, sponsored by IU East’s Title IX Office. A complete calendar is at the end of this blog. Indiana University does not believe that sexual violence is ever, in any way, the victim’s fault, and does not condone the attitude that it is a woman’s responsibility to avoid doing, wearing, or saying … Continued
What Doors Will Your Degree Open?

What Doors Will Your Degree Open?

With graduation less than two months away, many of you are probably looking into where you will work and what you will do in your new career. Not to say you haven’t been career focused before – internships, service-learning placements, classes and work-study jobs have probably all helped shape your career goals at one time or another over the past few years. But maybe you need a good contact in your chosen field – and that can be the key piece that helps you obtain the fulfilling job you want. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to get your foot in the door. And this month includes a great prospect – the 4 Colleges Career Fair will be Tuesday, March … Continued