Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

October 6th – 12th is National Mental Health Awareness Week, a yearly effort by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to foster discussion and understanding for people with mental illnesses.  They focus on grassroots efforts and community-level events to spread awareness, and the local NAMI organization has events planned for Richmond. But what if you want to dig deeper?  As always, the library is a great source for high-quality information.  From major databases like ProQuest Psychology and PsycInfo to the National Institute of Health’s PubMed Central, we have a staggering number of articles on mental illness and health.  And if books are more your thing, databases like eBrary contain dozens of titles like: Empowering People with Severe Mental Illness: A … Continued
Finding Theory for Practice

Finding Theory for Practice

One question that’s been asked a lot recently concerns various nursing theorists.  Our databases can be great sources for this kind of information.  Major nursing databases like CINAHL, Health Source: Nursing Edition, and MedLine are a great place to start. Try truncating or reducing the number of words in the search to find more articles.  For example, Dorothea Orem AND Self Care Deficit Theory comes back with only one result while Dorothea Orem AND Self Care comes back with dozens.  Just searching Orem AND Self Care returns almost four hundred, but many of these are just about the application of her theory rather than having much about Orem herself.  In the same way, Imogene King AND Conceptual Theory finds less than … Continued
The Case of JSTOR and Aaron Swartz

The Case of JSTOR and Aaron Swartz

We all worry about plagiarism, which is a type of theft of intellectual property.  But theft of that nature covers a lot of things – any misuse of copyright protected material.  Usually, we think it’s an act of a desperate or lazy person – perhaps a weak or struggling student looking for a quick fix.  That isn’t always the case, though. Recently, a man named Aaron Swartz has been in the news.  An Internet pioneer, Swartz has been involved in developing Rich-Site Summary (RSS) feeds (from which you might be monitoring this blog) and Creative Commons licensing (from which the accompanying photograph, taken by Daniel J. Sieradski, comes), campaigned against the SOPA legislation, and been a prominent defender of civil … Continued
Wine to Water

Wine to Water

This year, the IU East community is reading Wine to Water for the One Book, Many Voices program (we have several copies at the library available for checkout – ask at the front desk).  It is the story of Doc Hendley, a North Carolina bartender who decided to go to Darfur to help the people get access to clean water.  There, he repaired broken wells, had water trucked to refugee camps, distributed chlorine tablets for purifying contaminated water, and more, all while navigating the war and ethnic cleansing between the Janjaweed and the Sudanese Liberation Army in one of the most dangerous places in the world. Millions of people die each year because they don’t have access to clean water … Continued
ProQuest Mobile

ProQuest Mobile

We know how things are for college students – you’re busy.  Between classes, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities, it can be hard to find time to fit it all in.  And doing research can be vexing, if you have a sudden great idea about a topic or a search, but you’re nowhere near a computer.  So is there a solution for people on the go? Absolutely.  Our catalog already allows you to send call numbers to yourself with the ‘text a call number’ button, and that can be useful for picking up books you want for your paper.  But what about getting articles and newspapers?  Yes you can, with a new mobile framework for the database ProQuest. ProQuest is one … Continued