

Connecting with children to create a culture of college

Connecting with children to create a culture of college

Promise Indiana is a program that “helps families and communities to support youth through saving for future education, participating in college and career activities in the classroom, and experiencing a college campus.” As an active participant in the program, Randolph County Schools provides students with experiences that help them visualize a future that includes education after high school graduation. This year IU East welcomed more than 200 third grade students to explore the campus.  More than 30 faculty, staff and college students, along with more than a dozen campus volunteers, facilitated 52 interactive learning sessions with content ranging from anatomy and accounting to teamwork and solving mysteries. The Library team collaborates with campus partners to help create dynamic learning experiences. … Continued
Keep Your Mind Sharp with Puzzles

Keep Your Mind Sharp with Puzzles

During summer breaks, students can forget part of what they learned in the preceding year.  This phenomenon is referred to as the ‘summer learning loss’ or ‘learning slide’.  There is a significant body of literature on it, particularly as it affects K-12 students.  Estimates of the severity of the loss differ greatly depending on the test design, but it is a risk worth preparing against.  One proposed solution calls for eliminating or reducing summer breaks. Locally, Richmond Community Schools now schedules a two-month summer vacation.  Other proposals include having more frequent, but shorter, breaks spaced throughout the year; or using summer school to bolster at-risk kids.  Absent a comprehensive community solution, however, a good strategy is to keep your mind … Continued
Sexual Assault Awareness Library Resources

Sexual Assault Awareness Library Resources

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sexual Assault can be an uncomfortable subject for some, but it’s a very important topic to learn about. The IU East Campus Library has many resources, including the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Resources Guide to help you understand what sexual assault is and the resources available to those who have been affected. On diplay this month in the Campus Library are sexual assault books available for check out, that provide a variety of content. Easy access to more than 13,000 ebooks about sexual assault are available via ProQuest Ebook Central, EBSCO eBooks, and Gale eBooks.. Books that highlight sexual assault on college campuses include Campus Sexual Assault: College Women Respond by Lauren Germain, Campus Action Against … Continued
Yes, YOU can be a master researcher

Yes, YOU can be a master researcher

Librarians are guides who can assist you in effectively navigating the numerous resources available for academic research. The IU East Campus Library Coordinator of Reference Services has produced a Research Mastery guide that features reliable sources and provides both general and discipline specific search strategies. From Boolean searching to syntax and limiters, you’ll learn basic and advanced methods for finding relevant information for your research. Additionally, the IU East Campus Library offers a convenient and timely online reference service. Simply email or click here: For each subject discipline, the Research guide includes basic searching tips as well as specialized databases. There are techniques for maximizing your research, building from the basics, such as the   EBSCO Discovery Service and featured … Continued
Fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases

Fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. History The Gilded Age was just that, Gilded. NOT Golden. From afar, all appeared golden with fancy balls, jewels and mansions, urban industrialization, and rising gross national products. But, under the surface were very real problems such as unsafe tenement housing, political corruption, environmental destruction, and non-regulation of basic goods. The Gilded Age and Progressive Era database contains collections from McKim, Mead & White architectural firm (designers of the Brooklyn Museum), political cartoon collections of Thomas Nast and Joseph Keppler, documents from Standard Oil, and more. On … Continued