

A list of lists!

A list of lists!

As 2020 comes to an end, “Best of …” lists are popular, so we wanted to feature a variety of reading options. Did any of your favorite books from 2020 make the lists? A selection of the 10 Best Literary Adaptations of the Year highlights this year’s new literary adaptations. The most popular and purchased books by Amazon customers in 2020 shares what customers were reading this year. With over 2,000 suggestions, NPR’s Book Concierge provides recommendations of “top books” for the years 2013-2020. What are other writers reading? The Guardian’s best books picked by guest authors provides insight into what authors like to read when they are not working on their next work. Why stop at Top 10? Here … Continued
History with the Eyewitnesses

History with the Eyewitnesses

244 years ago, on Christmas Day of 1776, General George Washington led a force across the Delaware River to attack a Hessian outpost in Trenton.  His army, which up until then had lost battle after battle, was near the point of dissolution – the enlistments for most of the men would expire at the end of the year, extinguishing the American ability to field an army. The Battle of Trenton was one of the most unexpected, as well as complete, victories American forces had achieved, and it reinvigorated the flagging army at the point when the fragile nation was closest to disintegration.  Soldiers reenlisted, and observers both foreign and domestic realized that American troops could, in fact, stand up to … Continued
On the move – with virtual travel

On the move – with virtual travel

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many subscription-only resources are continuing to offer temporary open access to material now through the end of the year.  To discover these resources, check out the Education Resources – Free Online (ERFO) resources guide: This resource guide is continuously updated with new academic resources as they become available for open access. Resources for eBooks and eTextbooks, such as OpenCulture – eTextbooks provides a list of 200 open access textbooks readily available from subjects ranging from Art History and Biology to Business and Sociology.   During these times it may be difficult to travel, but with virtual tours, there is no place or time one cannot visit. The “ERFO” has a whole section dedicated to … Continued
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month – an opportunity to pay tribute to the traditions and ancestry of the tribes and people groups who originally occupied this continent.  It is an opportunity to learn and to foster dialogue. Library resources are among the most vetted and authoritative available. One of the best databases is American Indian History Online, which features primary sources, maps, documentary videos, and other media.  It is searchable by region, tribe, person, event, or topic.  Of special note are sections on influential court cases and legislative history.  Another database is Early Encounters in North America, which covers material from the 1500s to the 1800s that document the relationships among the inhabitants of what are now the United … Continued
Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

While we continue to be open physically, you can stay safely distanced and comfortable and meet your research needs from whenever you are! Your Campus Library at IU East is available 24/7 with access to reliable research resources online. You can count on your library team to assist you with research strategies to help you achieve academic success. Any question, any time, Ask Us! Let’s take a tour of the library website, to highlight what to find where. Need e-books? This search box uses the IU Library catalog, IUCAT. You can limit your search to e-books available at IU East, since not all IU campuses have licenses for the same e-books. We have a guide to e-book access, including creating … Continued