

Give the Gift of Reading

Give the Gift of Reading

If someone said to you, “give me 10 minutes and I’ll give you 20 books” would you do it?  From now until January 5th you do indeed have a free books opportunity!  The IU East Campus Library is again serving as a distribution site for World Book Night and your participation is needed.  World Book Night will give you a set of 20 books to distribute to adults in our community.  Simply go to this website: and apply to be a book giver.  They will want to know where you intend to give the books, to whom and why you want to participate in World Book Night.  Once your application is accepted, the books will arrive at the Campus Library … Continued
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

In this season of giving, the gift of time spent helping others will be greatly appreciated. The Center for Service-Learning at IU East is a gateway for finding opportunities for service in our community, and December is full of possibilities!  Please contact or 765.973.8470 to connect with a project that will help those in need.   Salvation Army Christmas Shopping December 21, 2013 – 9:00am to 4:00pm (includes lunch) 2-3 Spanish speaking students needed to help families who have received Christmas assistance to shop in the Salvation Army store.   Second Helpings – Community Meal at the Townsend Center Week of December 16; December 21- 6:00pm to 9:00pm; December 22– starting at 10:00am Help wrap gifts, set up tables, … Continued
Celebrating Computing

Celebrating Computing

This week is Computer Science Education Week, and a great time to learn about the ubiquitous technology that has reshaped the world.  Established to honor the birthday of Grace Hopper, an early computer programmer and the inventor of the computer language COBOL, CSEd Week is focused on preparing students in all disciplines to learn about and embrace computers in order to be competitive in the modern job market. And we have plenty of resources for studying any aspect of computing – programming, history, education, and more.  For articles, try a database like ProQuest Computing or Communication & Mass Media Complete or the computer science section of Taylor & Francis.  And there’s more online, as well, with sources like the Computing … Continued
News You Can Use

News You Can Use

In your research at IU East, you’re often called to include journal articles and book sources.  But there are many other great types of sources.  One that’s often overlooked is newspapers.  News sources aren’t as rigorously tested as a book or a peer-reviewed journal, so we often dismiss them as less important or scholarly.  But using newspaper articles offers substantial advantages. One is currency – the scholarly process adds a lot of time to printing articles.  If you want a source about the current situation in Syria, for example, a news article is the way to go.  Newspapers also do a good job summarizing a situation.  If you are learning about a new subject, a news article may give you … Continued
Full Circle for Change: Service-Learning and Civic Leadership

Full Circle for Change: Service-Learning and Civic Leadership

by Ashlee Brown When I first heard that I was invited to the 2nd Annual Civic Leadership Conference on November 15th, I was confused. What did I, a sophomore Biochemistry major, have to do with Civic Leadership? After I found out that the event was related to Indiana’s service learning program, Indiana Campus Compact, it became a little bit clearer. Despite this, I still did not see what I could contribute to this conference. When we arrived it became crystal clear. The connection between service learning and civic leadership was a circle. While listening to the first panel, which consisted of DePauw University graduates, a DePauw student, an Indiana State Senator, and an Indiana State Representative, I understood the relation. … Continued