

A list of lists!

A list of lists!

As 2020 comes to an end, “Best of …” lists are popular, so we wanted to feature a variety of reading options. Did any of your favorite books from 2020 make the lists? A selection of the 10 Best Literary Adaptations of the Year highlights this year’s new literary adaptations. The most popular and purchased books by Amazon customers in 2020 shares what customers were reading this year. With over 2,000 suggestions, NPR’s Book Concierge provides recommendations of “top books” for the years 2013-2020. What are other writers reading? The Guardian’s best books picked by guest authors provides insight into what authors like to read when they are not working on their next work. Why stop at Top 10? Here … Continued
HathiTrust Special Book Access

HathiTrust Special Book Access

IU East credentials (user name and password log-in) provide students, faculty and staff with access to many types of scholarly resources, even during the coronavirus pandemic. However, physical books are not currently accessible. IU East owns close to 20,000 print volumes, and millions of books from other IU libraries were also readily available at the click of a button in the library catalog, IUCAT.  Since book stacks are closed, e-books have been valuable; but not all books (particularly older books) are available as e-texts, nor do all publishers license their output for electronic access. There are available digitized copies of print books. Thanks to efforts like Project Gutenberg, we can freely access public-domain books. But some initiatives, such as the … Continued
Celebrate Creativity!

Celebrate Creativity!

In January, Family READ celebrates creativity. We Read. Explore. Ask. Discover! creativity through the arts and also with innovative thinking. READ is an initiative of the IU East Campus Library. We encourage families to read, explore, ask and discover together and we have curated a resource guide featuring recommended books and learning activities. The Indiana University Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council provided funding support to purchase interesting and engaging non-fiction books for youth. Get your creativity flowing in 2020 …check out these ideas! Books for Teaching Creativity 10 Picture Books that Demonstrate Creative and Innovative Thinking Inspire Creativity with Picture Books Want to learn more about how to get involved in Family READ? Please contact IU East … Continued
‘Freedom’ to Read on the Inside

‘Freedom’ to Read on the Inside

What do you do if you want a book, but can’t pay for it?  The answer is obvious – get it from the library.  But not all libraries are created equal, and some lack the resources to acquire the material their patrons need.  In particular, prison libraries are more dependent on donations of books than public or academic libraries are, which generally enjoy more public support and stable funding.  This isn’t a small problem – almost 2.3 million people in this country are in prison; and 47,000 in Indiana. However, recent technological advances have resulted in many states issuing e-readers to prisoners, similar to educational initiatives in schools.  This allows incarcerated people to maintain more of the human connection the … Continued