

Non-fiction knowledge!

Non-fiction knowledge!

More than 300 non-fiction youth books are being added to the IU East Campus Library collection, thanks to the generosity of the Indiana University Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council. The Family R.E.A.D. program is designed to Read, Explore, Ask, and Discover a variety of ideas, perspectives and content available through a wide range of books. Saturday, September 14, from 10-11:30 a.m. at the IU East Campus Library, families can participate in discovery centers that feature the themes of going to college, healthy eating and fitness, and Hispanic Heritage. IU East students, faculty and staff will be hosting fun learning stations that include games, dancing, food, crafts and more. Biographies, bilingual, and food books will be available to explore and can be … Continued
It’s never too late for speculative fiction

It’s never too late for speculative fiction

It’s August – already!  Where did the summer go?  And you haven’t even selected your summer reading yet!  That’s okay.  Speculative fiction is ready for you no matter what time of year it is, and here’s a few picks that are sure to expand your imagination. It’s a really big world out there. But first – what is speculative fiction?  It’s a term that refers to a type of literature that, according to a quote from Robert A. Heinlein, could be described as “fiction about things that have not happened.”  Heinlein was a well-known science fiction author, with novels like Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers to his credit, and is widely considered the person who invented the … Continued
Children’s Reading

Children’s Reading

With summer reading programs at many nearby public libraries in full swing (for example, those at Morrisson Reeves, Centerville, and New Castle), parents are on the lookout for lots of quality books for their children to read.  Many local reading programs have a space exploration theme this year, and our library holds many relevant titles, in addition to any other topic of interest to a young reader. The main purpose of the IU East Library’s expansive juvenile collection is instructional – it supports education, child development, and psychology majors in learning how to teach and understand children.  But this focus, different from a public library’s emphasis on the most popular material, makes it a treasure trove of unique books that … Continued
Keep Your Mind Sharp

Keep Your Mind Sharp

With the semester over and the holiday break upon us, you’ve reached a well-deserved rest.  But as tempting as it might be to turn your brain off and vegetate the whole break, it’s important to keep the mind sharp and focused – ready to hit the ground running when next semester begins. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean spending your free time perusing more peer-reviewed journals in your discipline (although we can certainly accommodate that if you want!).  There are lots of more entertaining ways of keeping your mind supple.  And one great way is with puzzles – from riddles to games to mysteries to brainteasers.  Fortunately, the library has a lot of books to satisfy every taste, whether you’re … Continued
Working skills for everyone

Working skills for everyone

Beth South is Coordinator of Campus Library User Services and Archivist at Indiana University East. This past week, I had the opportunity to attend the Library Management Skills Institute in Bloomington, IN, sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and Indiana University Bloomington Libraries. It was an intensive and engaging three-day workshop, led by consultant DeEtta Jones. Participants included librarians in varied positions at different libraries and at various stages in our careers, but we all shared similar concerns and issues. Whether we have been managers for years, in a new position, or have yet to enter a management position, we were all looking for ways to prepare ourselves for these leadership roles, or to perform better in these roles. … Continued