

Give the Gift of Reading

Give the Gift of Reading

If someone said to you, “give me 10 minutes and I’ll give you 20 books” would you do it?  From now until January 5th you do indeed have a free books opportunity!  The IU East Campus Library is again serving as a distribution site for World Book Night and your participation is needed.  World Book Night will give you a set of 20 books to distribute to adults in our community.  Simply go to this website: and apply to be a book giver.  They will want to know where you intend to give the books, to whom and why you want to participate in World Book Night.  Once your application is accepted, the books will arrive at the Campus Library … Continued


As you may have heard, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychological Association’s primary mental health handbook, has recently published a new edition.  It’s been a long time in coming – the DSM-IV came out in 1994 (it was revised in 2000).  This reference work is the primary tool for diagnosing and recommending treatment for mental disorders across the spectrum, and has been since the first edition came out in 1952.  It is the single most important reference book for anyone in a psychology profession. The classification system has been completely retooled, eliminating the infamous five axes of the previous edition – personality disorders are no longer separated as rigidly from other types of psychiatric disorders.  … Continued


The library collection continues to grow, but you might not have noticed since the rapid increase in books has often been in e-resources.  One excellent example of a new acquisition is the Brill ebook collection, totaling 154 new books in several high-impact collections.  They include materials on religion, classical studies, history, and linguistic studies.  All are full text and fully searchable, and all can be downloaded in PDF so you can read them at your leisure – on campus or at home!  The eight subject areas covered are:  Asian Studies eBook Collection 2013 (6 titles) Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity eBook Collection 2013 (28 titles) Classical Studies eBook Collection 2013 (10 titles) European History and Culture eBook … Continued
World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

Think about a book you read recently that you enjoyed.  As simple as that…reading a book that gives you enjoyment.  Now think about people who know how to read, but do not. Perhaps they got out of the habit, or never developed the habit of reading for pleasure, or don’t have access, or any number of other reasons.  Now, YOU have an opportunity to change that. YOU can be part of a nation-wide reading advocacy project called “World Book Night.”  It occurs on April 23 but YOU have to act now.  Please go to the World Book Night website by JANUARY 25 and apply to be a “book giver.”  You’ll be directed to select 3 books as your top choices … Continued
LGBTQ Youth Literature

LGBTQ Youth Literature

Choosing a topic for my end of semester L390 Children’s Literature paper was a process of exploration. I chose to compare and contrast picture books with a common theme. I wanted a theme that dealt with current events so I focused on the 2012 elections.  With 3 additional States and the District of Columbia legalizing Gay Marriage (for a total of 9 states,, I decided to examine children’s books that feature children with gay parents. So I turned to the IU East Library children’s book collection.  I located four books that were stories about gay parents: Daddy’s Roommate, Heather has Two Mommies, Gloria goes to Gay Pride, and And Tango Makes Three. A librarian also directed me to an … Continued