Library Resources

Library Resources

Celebrating Juneteenth

Celebrating Juneteenth

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Black Independence Day, Emancipation Day, or Jubilee Day, is a day that recognizes and celebrates the commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States and it takes place every year on June 19th. This is one of the oldest nationally celebrated commemorations on the emancipation of slaves, dating back to June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers led by Major Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas with the news that the war was over and that slavery was abolished. Even though Juneteenth has been celebrated in various ways and places across the U.S. for over a century, it wasn’t formally recognized as a federal holiday until President Biden signed Public Law 117-17, the … Continued
Keep Your Mind Sharp with Puzzles

Keep Your Mind Sharp with Puzzles

During summer breaks, students can forget part of what they learned in the preceding year.  This phenomenon is referred to as the ‘summer learning loss’ or ‘learning slide’.  There is a significant body of literature on it, particularly as it affects K-12 students.  Estimates of the severity of the loss differ greatly depending on the test design, but it is a risk worth preparing against.  One proposed solution calls for eliminating or reducing summer breaks. Locally, Richmond Community Schools now schedules a two-month summer vacation.  Other proposals include having more frequent, but shorter, breaks spaced throughout the year; or using summer school to bolster at-risk kids.  Absent a comprehensive community solution, however, a good strategy is to keep your mind … Continued
World Bee Day

World Bee Day

One of the most important aspects of getting food from the farm to the table is the necessity of bees to pollinate many of our crops. “Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading crops depend on animal pollinations,” and bees are one of our most important pollinators (WWF-UK). In the US, bees pollinate approximately 130 different agricultural crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and add nearly 15 billion dollars in improved crop quality and yield. However, many bees are facing significant threats and extinction due to climate change, habitat loss, invasive plants, chemical pesticides, and disease and parasites. The U.S. honeybee population has declined by 60% since 1947 and the rusty patched bumblebee was the first bee to … Continued
Sexual Assault Awareness Library Resources

Sexual Assault Awareness Library Resources

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sexual Assault can be an uncomfortable subject for some, but it’s a very important topic to learn about. The IU East Campus Library has many resources, including the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Resources Guide to help you understand what sexual assault is and the resources available to those who have been affected. On diplay this month in the Campus Library are sexual assault books available for check out, that provide a variety of content. Easy access to more than 13,000 ebooks about sexual assault are available via ProQuest Ebook Central, EBSCO eBooks, and Gale eBooks.. Books that highlight sexual assault on college campuses include Campus Sexual Assault: College Women Respond by Lauren Germain, Campus Action Against … Continued
Yes, YOU can be a master researcher

Yes, YOU can be a master researcher

Librarians are guides who can assist you in effectively navigating the numerous resources available for academic research. The IU East Campus Library Coordinator of Reference Services has produced a Research Mastery guide that features reliable sources and provides both general and discipline specific search strategies. From Boolean searching to syntax and limiters, you’ll learn basic and advanced methods for finding relevant information for your research. Additionally, the IU East Campus Library offers a convenient and timely online reference service. Simply email or click here: For each subject discipline, the Research guide includes basic searching tips as well as specialized databases. There are techniques for maximizing your research, building from the basics, such as the   EBSCO Discovery Service and featured … Continued