Library Resources

Library Resources

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

The IU East Campus Library currently has a trial for the online streaming video platform called Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The platform is currently employed at more than 2,500 academic libraries globally, including many libraries, and within Indiana University at Northwest, South Bend, and Bloomington campuses. Some of the benefits for IU East students and faculty to use Kanopy are: Provide access without payment: conveniently open all or any of their broad collections with no upfront or required payment Strategically acquire high-use films: Triggering a film requires 4 independent plays by … Continued
Who’s Who and What’s Where in Your Campus Library

Who’s Who and What’s Where in Your Campus Library

Welcome to Fall 2019! If you haven’t been in the Campus Library this summer, surprises await you! We have a new space – the Community Engagement Commons (CEC) – available for group presentations and events for 40 or less participants. It also continues to serve as an area for students to study, print, and use computers. Join us in the CEC on Wed., September 4th at noon for a Diversity and Inclusion Council meeting. All are welcome! There will be updates about diversity events on campus and light refreshments are available. To schedule CEC and other library spaces for events, simply contact our new Coordinator of User Services – Jesse Whitton: Jesse re-joins the staff as a library professional, … Continued
In Memory of Eva Kor

In Memory of Eva Kor

Eva Mozes Kor, a Jewish activist and educator who suffered in the Holocaust, passed away earlier this month.  She died while leading an educational field trip, only a few miles from the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp where she lost almost all of her family – dedicated to the very last to educate as many people as possible so that no one else might suffer what she did. Eva Kor visited IU East and shared her story with us recently, describing the horrors of losing her family to the Nazi regime and suffering torture masquerading as ‘medical experiments’ at the hands of Dr. Josef Mengele, since she was a twin.  Despite suffering and losing more in a single year than most … Continued
Children’s Reading

Children’s Reading

With summer reading programs at many nearby public libraries in full swing (for example, those at Morrisson Reeves, Centerville, and New Castle), parents are on the lookout for lots of quality books for their children to read.  Many local reading programs have a space exploration theme this year, and our library holds many relevant titles, in addition to any other topic of interest to a young reader. The main purpose of the IU East Library’s expansive juvenile collection is instructional – it supports education, child development, and psychology majors in learning how to teach and understand children.  But this focus, different from a public library’s emphasis on the most popular material, makes it a treasure trove of unique books that … Continued
The magic of abracadabra

The magic of abracadabra

We’ve all seen it –  a magician in a top hat waves his wand and says the magic word Abracadabra.  Poof!  A rabbit appears!  A watch is restored to perfect condition after being smashed to bits!  The woman who was sawed in two is now whole again!  Wonders are associated with this word, but what does it really mean? Abracadabra began its life as a healing spell.  It’s been traced as far back as the third century CE, when physician Quintus Serenus Sammonicus (better known as Serenus) wrote the treatise Liber Medicinalis.  This book documented, in Latin verse, numerous cures for common ailments, including the proper use of Abracadabra. The proper use of abracadabra as a healing spell. First, a … Continued