Library Resources

Library Resources

The magic of Roald Dahl

The magic of Roald Dahl

Cardiff (Wales) born author Roald Dahl, is considered one of the most beloved authors of the last century. With characters such as Matilda Wormwood, the Grand High Witch, the BFG and Willy Wonka, Dahl’s work has captured the inner desires, fears and identities of children of all ages since the early 1960’s. Even though he died in 1990, his books remain immensely popular – roughly ten million copies of his books are sold each year. Roald Dahl did not begin life as a writer, nor did it seem a likely career for him. When he graduated from secondary school, he became an employee of Shell Oil and was stationed in Kenya. But shortly after World War II broke out, he … Continued
So what, exactly, is print culture?

So what, exactly, is print culture?

Who needs print anymore? Many people read the news on their phones, check out audiobooks from libraries, send emails and texts to their friends and loved ones, even post a virtual diary of their own lives on their social media accounts. Yet print has held on for dear life: From 2013 to 2016, the latest year for which figures are available, sales of print books have steadily increased at an average of 3.9%. Over 674 million books were sold in 2016 alone. With all those readers comes certain expectations of print. (Including, but not limited to, the ability to turn books around, which is not a new decorating trend.) (Pictured: Not a new decorating trend.) Books do not merely convey … Continued
Selling Yourself Quick

Selling Yourself Quick

There’s excitement in the air for many seniors, as your college career hurtles towards its conclusion, and the outside world beckons. Soon, you will be hunting for a new job with your freshly minted degree. But that degree, significant as it is, doesn’t have a voice of its own. You’ll need to be able to sell yourself to potential employers. Sometimes, this will be in formal interview settings, after you’ve submitted a résumé to a job you really want. You’ll be able to lay out your full case for your aptitude and skill. But sometimes it will happen by serendipity – you being in the right place at the right time, able to talk to someone with power in your … Continued
New Year, New You: Introducing Nexis Uni and a few IUCat Updates

New Year, New You: Introducing Nexis Uni and a few IUCat Updates

Starting this semester, there are a few changes that took place within the library online catalog, IUCAT. First, IUCAT Classic has officially retired and can no longer be accessed. The IU Libraries have been working for several years to update and make improvements to the online catalog, IUCAT. While all this has been happening, IUCAT Classic was kept around as a way to search for items, specifically Class Reserves, while improvements and changes were made to the new and improved IUCAT that is now in place. Now that the current IUCAT has all the necessary features ready and everything is working smoothly, IUCAT Classic retired on December 17, 2017. Most users may not have noticed a difference or may not … Continued
Neue Filme!

Neue Filme!

Thanks to the World Languages and Culture courses offered at IU East, the Campus Library continues to expand our growing international films collection. For Spring 2018 we have fourteen new German language films. These are used in a German course but are also available for circulation to anyone with IU East credentials. Check it out! And if you have any questions about international films at IU East, just Ask Us! Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari – M – Die Mörder sind unter uns Triumph des Willens – Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes – Der Himmel über Berlin Sonnensucher – Spur der Steine – Die Brücke – Der blaue Engel Lola rennt – Good Bye Lenin! – Gegen die Wand – … Continued