Library Resources

Library Resources

It’s On Us

It’s On Us

Sexual assault on campus remains a huge concern for both students and administration alike. To raise awareness of this important issue, and to promote resources to help stop campus sexual assault, IU East is participating in It’s On Us. A nationwide project intended to support victims while providing help and resources, It’s On Us launched in 2014. IU East will be hosting a series of events throughout the week of 11/7-11/11. On Monday, the Red Flag Campaign will launch on the quad. The Red Flag Campaign encourages participants to look for “red flags”, or warning signs that might signal an imminent assault and speak up when they see them. Intervention training, which presents bystanders with methods to identify and stop … Continued
The Power of Fiction

The Power of Fiction

IU is at the forefront of digitizing content, from books to music to archival material – and fiction is among that content. One prominent example is Wright American Fiction, a collection of important novels and fiction from the middle to the late 1800s, chosen from a survey conducted by librarian Lyle Wright. Seminal works of 19th century American fiction are present, from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but there is a lot more to discover – almost 3,000 books are included. Books can be viewed as plain text, or in scanned images of the original books. Other full-text resources in a similar vein include Early American Fiction 1789 – 1850, which covers the period … Continued
Finding Your Past

Finding Your Past

In A Chance in the World, this year’s One Book, Steve Pemberton recounts his history as an orphan in the foster care system. Untethered from any roots, he conducted a search for his birth family and located his grandparents and all four of his siblings, who had been fostered with different families.  The experience was part of a long effort to reconcile his personal identity. Most of us don’t face nearly the same challenge in identifying our family, but even so, how many of us can go much further back than our great-grandparents? Genealogy is the search for our roots, building a family tree of names, dates, and history that shaped how we came into this world. And it can … Continued
Artistic Pursuits

Artistic Pursuits

Music and art are an experience – how can words adequately characterize or explain them? As a researcher, you might have thoughts along these lines. And while you use academic databases for history or science or economics papers, when it comes to art, maybe you think you’re fine on your own. Understanding the musical, performance, and graphic arts does indeed rely on your own critical experience more than most disciplines. But it’s an error to think that scholarly resources won’t be of use. The library has many databases for both – from ProQuest Arts for scholarship and criticism in each of these areas to the Naxos Music Library for streaming music. But one critical resource in the arts is Oxford … Continued
New Resource! The BAS Library

New Resource! The BAS Library

Interested in religion, archaeology, or ancient history? IU East Campus Library now has access to the Biblical Archaeology Society Library which houses the archives of three publications: Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review, and Archaeology Odyssey. This database has over 7,000 articles and 22,000 images available as well as video lectures presented by faculty from different universities on the latest issues in archaeology and Bible research. If you have a specific topic of interest, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls or Women in the Bible, you can also view the BAS special collections which group all the relevant articles to your topic together. You can search the BAS library by author, title, topic, keyword, or even Bible verse. If you are … Continued