

Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual Assault Prevention

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to rededicate ourselves to protecting all members of our community. This year, the focus is on the ways individuals and communities can take action to promote safety, respect, and equality. IU East is holding events all month – programs include the Clothesline Project from 11-1 each day this week, where students are encouraged to write a message regarding sexual assault awareness. Also this week, on Wednesday from 12-4, Operation Street Smart will provide information on narcotics, including trends, terminology, concealment techniques, and their physiological effects. Later in the month, IU East will offer many events such as Step Up Training and self-defense classes, as well as a Take Back the Night vigil … Continued
Biography Sources

Biography Sources

There are lots of types of things to research, but often we seem to focus on issues or abstract concepts. Are people better off if they do A over B? What does the experiment show? How do we decide a difficult policy question? But those issues and events are put into motion by people, whose lives and ideas shape the ideas. We turn to biographies when we want to learn about people’s lives. But sometimes, even if it seems like you’re dealing with an abstract issue or policy question, your work will be deepened by an understanding of the people behind it. Who they are, and why they formed the ideas they did. Literature has long embraced this – as … Continued
A New Semester of Finding Great Things

A New Semester of Finding Great Things

Welcome back! As the semester gets into gear, papers, projects, and assignments will begin to accumulate again. And to do them well, you’ll need to do research. You’ll be asked to find scholarly sources. Peer-reviewed sources. Primary sources. The kinds of things that Google and Bing just aren’t good at. But Google and Bing are easy to use. Scholarly tools take a bit more work. How do you get started? Scholarly databases use a very precise type of language that tells the computer how to search. Much of this computer language is based on something called Boolean logic. Boolean data is that which you can label ‘true’ or ‘false’ without any ambiguity. When you search, a database or search engine … Continued
If It Weren’t For the Last Minute…

If It Weren’t For the Last Minute…

So it’s upon us – Finals Week and the end of the semester. You might be feeling overwhelmed as everything comes due all at once. And that feeling is only made worse if you don’t have your research done. True, it would have been better to get it done earlier. There would have been more options available to you. But it’s not too late, and there’s plenty you can do to ensure that you have a great final paper. Presuming you already have your topic in mind, you’ll want books and articles to support your argument. If you’re doing this the night before it’s due, Interlibrary Loan is no longer an option and the library might already be closed. If … Continued
Being Involved

Being Involved

To get the most out of college, you have to dedicate yourself to it. You can’t just show up. You have to be prepared. Be involved. Have the discipline and concentration to get the most out of each experience. That’s certainly true for cultural things. Maybe you’re planning on joining the World Heart Day walk this Tuesday. Or perhaps going to the Ohio Renaissance Festival on October 3rd with the History, Humanities, and Honors clubs is more your style. Maybe you’ll read Positive and attend Paige Rawl’s talk on October 27th. All of these things improve dramatically when you’ve prepared yourself for them first. But it is equally true for scholarship. You don’t learn just because you’re signed up for … Continued