

Class Prep

Class Prep

Welcome to all our new students, and to our returning students, welcome back! As you enjoy your ice cream, pancakes, movies, and other Back with the Pack activities, you’ll quickly be settling into a routine of coursework, study, research, and writing. And the library is a vital part of that – not just later, when things are coming due, but right now, at the beginning of the semester – whether you need scholarly resources, computers, a place to print out your syllabi (remember to bring your new Crimson Card, available in room 109), or just a quiet place to study. One common request we get at this time of year is for textbooks. Like most college libraries, we have a … Continued
Getting Textbooks

Getting Textbooks

One common question we get in the library, especially near the beginning of a semester, is: “Do you have my textbook?” Like many academic libraries, we have some textbooks on the shelves, but not a lot, and usually older editions.  The cost and quantity of texts needed for every class is prohibitive for libraries. And even if purchased, the first student in the door would get to check out the book and keep it for long enough that it likely wouldn’t be available for others in the class. We do, however, have a system for books to be in the library on our “reserves” shelf.  That has the benefit of letting a lot of students use it in a short … Continued