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HathiTrust Special Book Access

HathiTrust Special Book Access

IU East credentials (user name and password log-in) provide students, faculty and staff with access to many types of scholarly resources, even during the coronavirus pandemic. However, physical books are not currently accessible. IU East owns close to 20,000 print volumes, and millions of books from other IU libraries were also readily available at the click of a button in the library catalog, IUCAT.  Since book stacks are closed, e-books have been valuable; but not all books (particularly older books) are available as e-texts, nor do all publishers license their output for electronic access. There are available digitized copies of print books. Thanks to efforts like Project Gutenberg, we can freely access public-domain books. But some initiatives, such as the … Continued
Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Asking Questions

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Asking Questions

‘I Ask’ is the theme of  the 2020 Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This emphasizes the importance of asking for consent in any sexual interaction.  But there is another type of ‘asking’ that is just as important — if a survivor comes to you. I ask… How can I help? Truly helping is a very hard thing to do, because what a survivor most needs may be completely contrary to your own interests, expectations, or desires.  But to be helpful, you must focus totally on what that person needs to heal. A skilled therapist or counselor is trained what to say, and not say, and to understand small cues. They also have extensive knowledge of community resources available to survivors. We … Continued
Streaming Films for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Streaming Films for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual assault can be an uncomfortable topic for many to approach and talk about, even for those who haven’t experienced sexual assault first hand. Documentaries and films can be an informative and insightful way to explore the topic of sexual assault, but visual reenactments and first-person accounts of such experiences can be difficult for anyone, especially survivors. These films can be bleak; showcasing ingrained rape culture among various institutions and communities, the struggles of obtaining justice or evidence, and even the reality of facing backlash, retaliation, or bullying over reporting these instances. However, these films can also highlight the strength and resilience of survivors and provide helpful information on how to spot the signs of sexual harassment and assault, how … Continued
Sorting fact from fiction about sexual assault

Sorting fact from fiction about sexual assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, an uncomfortable subject for many of us to think about.  Yet it is very important to learn about sexual assault, especially since there are so many myths about it, myths that victimize people ever further after an attack.  Myth: Rape and sexual assault are crimes of passion and cannot be stopped. Truth:  According to the World Health Organization, rape and sexual assault are crimes of power and dominance, often used as a tool of control over the victim.  Sexual assault may occur under a number of different circumstances, usually involves an acquaintance of the victim and always involves lack of consent on the part of the victim. Myth:  Sexual assault isn’t that common, so … Continued