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Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Your campus library has the same friendly, familiar faces but we have some new titles and roles to share. Matthew Dilworth, Coordinator of Reference and Media Services, is available for all your reference and interlibrary loan needs. He is also liaison to the School of Business and Economics and completes all library resource forms for new course and program requests. 765.973.8279 KT Lowe, Assistant Librarian for Library Instruction, serves as liaison to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Work, and Office of Student Success. She collaborates with faculty for library instruction and creation of course-specific LibGuides and Canvas modules.  765.973.8434 Sue McFadden, Associate librarian for Research, is liaison to the School of Nursing and … Continued
Children’s Reading

Children’s Reading

With summer reading programs at many nearby public libraries in full swing (for example, those at Morrisson Reeves, Centerville, and New Castle), parents are on the lookout for lots of quality books for their children to read.  Many local reading programs have a space exploration theme this year, and our library holds many relevant titles, in addition to any other topic of interest to a young reader. The main purpose of the IU East Library’s expansive juvenile collection is instructional – it supports education, child development, and psychology majors in learning how to teach and understand children.  But this focus, different from a public library’s emphasis on the most popular material, makes it a treasure trove of unique books that … Continued
Open Access with One Click

Open Access with One Click

Have you ever tried to look up a specific article recommended to you or perhaps came across one in a database that you simply don’t have access to or you hit a paywall? This is a problem faced by researchers and librarians alike and it can be discouraging and frustrating when, at a glance, an article seems perfect for your research, but it’s just out of reach. However, it’s possible that the article is available via Open Access somewhere else on the internet in some way, shape, or form. There is actually not one, but two different tools, browser extensions to be exact, that can help you locate the open access version, if it’s available, with one simple click. Open … Continued
The magic of abracadabra

The magic of abracadabra

We’ve all seen it –  a magician in a top hat waves his wand and says the magic word Abracadabra.  Poof!  A rabbit appears!  A watch is restored to perfect condition after being smashed to bits!  The woman who was sawed in two is now whole again!  Wonders are associated with this word, but what does it really mean? Abracadabra began its life as a healing spell.  It’s been traced as far back as the third century CE, when physician Quintus Serenus Sammonicus (better known as Serenus) wrote the treatise Liber Medicinalis.  This book documented, in Latin verse, numerous cures for common ailments, including the proper use of Abracadabra. The proper use of abracadabra as a healing spell. First, a … Continued
Separating Sense from Nonsense: McGill University’s Office for Science in Society

Separating Sense from Nonsense: McGill University’s Office for Science in Society

“Science looks like magic, until you know how it works.”  That was one of the first things Dr. Joe Schwarcz said when IU East Coordinator of Library Instruction, KT Lowe, met him last month.  Dr. Schwarcz is the director of the McGill University Office for Science and Society, one of the best fake news fighting organizations in North America.  The OSS focuses primarily on the science of the everyday, busting myths about food, sunscreen, homeopathy and other quotidian things. The room where it happens. The OSS was formally established in 1999 and receives no corporate funding.  It is a formalization of Dr. Schwarcz’s work since the 1980’s, when he would speak with the media on all things science.  He and his … Continued