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Graphic Narratives: Exploring the Visual Stories at Our Library

Graphic Narratives: Exploring the Visual Stories at Our Library

The IU East Campus Library is expanding its graphic novel collection! Although graphic novels have been around for some time, the past decade has seen a surge in the variety of stories, ideas, and subjects conveyed through visual illustrations. Even classic novels are getting the graphic novel treatment, inspiring a new generation of readers, or reengaging long-time fans. Graphic novels are an exciting and engaging medium that combines visual art with narrative text, offering a unique reading experience that can enhance literacy. They present stories through a sequence of illustrations and text, often leading to a more immersive and interactive form of storytelling. This visual aspect can be particularly beneficial for reluctant readers or those struggling with traditional texts or … Continued
A guide to political (mis)information

A guide to political (mis)information

During any election season, voters are bombarded with messages regarding candidates, policies and the potential outcomes of a particular candidate’s victory.  Yet much of that messaging is distributed as lower-quality information, sometimes fact-free in its entirety.  Voting is an incredibly important duty for American citizens, and that means it’s doubly important to know how to find good quality information.  This is a guide to help locate facts and navigate the current political information environment. Memes are horrible sources of information Goofy cat pictures.  Images of celebrities saying or writing things they might not in a real-world situation.  Dogs in glasses.  These things seem harmless, but they’re not.  Why are memes so bad?  As defined by Richard Dawkins, memes are units … Continued
Service-Learning 101

Service-Learning 101

The most frequently asked question by new students visiting the Service-Learning table at campus events is: “What is it?” Volunteering at local organizations?   A course requirement? An important part of many student organizations?   Yes- to each of these and much more! Service-Learning enters the student experience in many forms, in the most wonderfully meaningful ways.  IU East defines service-learning as “an active method of learning in which students engage in structured community service and reflect on the meaning of that service.” Learning through service and reflection- are the two equal and essential components that set service-learning apart from other educational experiences. The Center for Service-Learning at IU East is the hub for all things service-learning.  Students with a … Continued
It Takes More Than That to Kill the Bull Moose

It Takes More Than That to Kill the Bull Moose

In 1912, a former U.S. President, after being out of office for a term, became a Presidential candidate, and that candidate was shot by a would-be assassin at the outset of a campaign speech.  The former President was Theodore Roosevelt, nicknamed ‘the Bull Moose’, and he had been fighting a bitterly contested campaign.  He himself succeeded an assassinated President; when William McKinley was shot in 1901 Roosevelt had ascended to the Presidency, winning it again in his own right in 1904.  Retiring from public office, he was succeeded in 1908 by William Howard Taft, but over the years, Roosevelt had come to despise the man.  The feeling was mutual.  Roosevelt had come to Milwaukee on the evening of October 14th, … Continued
The Synergy of Communities of Practice and Mentoring

The Synergy of Communities of Practice and Mentoring

On July 18th, two IU East Librarians will be attending the Academic Libraries of Indiana’s (ALI) Unconference on Communities of Practice and Mentorship. Assistant Librarian of Access Services Beth South currently chairs ALI’s Mentorship Committee and will be presenting on the work of the mentorship committee and mentoring within libraries. Assistant Librarian of Instruction KT Lowe is also a member of the mentorship committee and will discuss communities of practice within libraries. In terms of personal and professional development Communities of Practice (CoPs) and mentoring are two powerful tools that everyone should consider taking part in at some point in their studies or career. Each concept has its own strength and can stand well on its own, but when combined, … Continued