Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice

On Saturday, December 21st at 4:19 AM, the winter solstice will usher in the season of Winter.  Along with snow, lower temperatures and less daylight, however, the winter solstice also brings wonder, traditions and atmospheric changes that have inspired and connected humans for millennia.  Take a look at some of the phenomena that accompanies the solstice. The word solstice comes from two Latin words meaning “sun stoppage” because the amount of daylight is shorter or longer than usual.  In winter, the sun is closer to the earth, a phenomenon known as perihelion, but the angle that the sun’s rays reach the earth make them less warming.  Hence, the seasons are dependent on the sun’s position relative to the earth.  The … Continued
November is National Scholarship Month

November is National Scholarship Month

Paying for college can feel daunting.  Thankfully, there are a number of ways to fund a college education, and scholarships are one of the best available options.  Not only are scholarships a form of free money, but there are thousands of them available that can assist every kind of student in virtually every subject.  Scholarships can offset other forms of financial aid, so if you are a student who is taking out loans to fund your education, a scholarship can reduce the amount you borrow, meaning you owe less in student loans in the long run. Automatic Scholarships Some IU East scholarships are applied at the time of your admission.  Depending on your date of enrollment, your GPA and your … Continued
Basic Research Tools

Basic Research Tools

Transitioning to college research requires better tools, and the library provides many resources that will help students submit better work than can be generated through free web search engines like Google or Bing.  The easiest place to start is with the EBSCO Discovery Service, a meta-search engine that searches most of IU East’s databases at once, which can be found on the library’s home page under the section that says “Search EBSCO (Articles)”.  This provides the single box searching experience that may be the most familiar to users of Google or other popular search engines.  This returns material from academic journals, trade journals, and newspapers.  It can be set to give only recently published material, or only vetted academic writings.  … Continued
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and although society is becoming more open to discussing mental health, it can still be challenging to know where to begin when it comes to taking care of your own mental well-being. Several national groups and government organizations provide resources for all your mental health needs. Mental Health America offers a downloadable toolkit with information, posters, and DIY tools. The National Institutes of Health explores topics such as anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and suicide prevention, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides direct support for those suffering from mental illness. Online counseling sessions are available for all students via Timely Care. IU East students also have access to Chat with a … Continued
Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

A free society is predicated on transparency and access to information.  The ability to examine records generated by public entities can help expose controversies and keep people in power in check.  Moreover, a well-informed society is better equipped to make good decisions regarding its future.  These public records laws, known as “sunshine laws”, set ground rules for promoting and preserving access.  With National Freedom of Information Day on March 16, it is important to revisit the process of asking for public information, which is done through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The Freedom of Information Act was passed in 1966 and signed into law by then-president Lyndon Johnson.  It was updated in 2016 to accommodate electronic records.  With … Continued