Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

How To Trust the News

How To Trust the News

In examining the current news environment, it can be disheartening to see the vast divide in political perspective that colors or slants vital reporting.  While partisan reporting allows consumers to feel more comfortable, having their own biases reinforced, it makes searching for the facts that inform opinions more difficult.  It also complicates finding common ground amongst differently aligned stakeholders. A deeply divided and partisan press has been a hallmark of American media since the beginning, when the Gazette of the United States (supported by Alexander Hamilton and unrepentantly Federalist) and the National Gazette (funded by Thomas Jefferson and rabidly anti-Federalist) were representative of the leading newspapers of the day.  Moreover, anyone could print up leaflets, broadsheets, or pamphlets with whatever … Continued
Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

While we continue to be open physically, you can stay safely distanced and comfortable and meet your research needs from whenever you are! Your Campus Library at IU East is available 24/7 with access to reliable research resources online. You can count on your library team to assist you with research strategies to help you achieve academic success. Any question, any time, Ask Us! Let’s take a tour of the library website, to highlight what to find where. Need e-books? This search box uses the IU Library catalog, IUCAT. You can limit your search to e-books available at IU East, since not all IU campuses have licenses for the same e-books. We have a guide to e-book access, including creating … Continued
Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media literacy is a vital skill, allowing people to analyze and understand how messages, particularly those designed to persuade (whether presented anywhere from television news programs to Facebook advertisements), are crafted and how they exert their influence.  A person who is able to recognize and mitigate the hidden influence of others is freer and more able to form reasoned opinions.  Media literacy also helps you responsibly frame your own messages, communicating in the clearest way possible and provoking thought without undue manipulation. Media Literacy Week is October 26-30, and is hosted by the National Association for Media Literacy Education.  Each day will focus on an aspect of media literacy: Access on Monday, Analyze on Tuesday, followed by Evaluate, Create, and … Continued
Flying near and far: Birds in your backyard and beyond

Flying near and far: Birds in your backyard and beyond

Whether you want to enjoy bird activities locally or online, identity birds and their songs from around the world, or take actions to help birds, check out these ornithological opportunities. In addition to local parks and your neighborhood, the Whitewater Memorial State Park in Liberty is designated by the National Audubon Society as an “important bird area” that supports “one of the most significant assemblages of migrant and nesting avian species in eastern Indiana,” including waterfowl, a diversity of neotropical passerines, and endangered raptors. At the Hayes Arboretum in Richmond, you can use the Bird Watching Room or several different trails to see a variety of birds. Options include exploring independently, participating in a variety of nature activities, including the … Continued
All In Color For Free

All In Color For Free

While comics today are often primarily associated with the superhero stories that provide fodder for blockbuster movies, they are and have been a much more diverse body of literature, and one worthy of study.  A mainstay of childhood and young adult reading, comics have incorporated many genres, including action, humor, romance, crime, horror, drama, science fiction, and fantasy.  There is also a strong subversive movement, largely aimed at adults, of ‘underground’ work that uses the medium in innovative ways. A database dedicated to this art form, Underground and Independent Comics focuses on those outside the mainstream, from the lurid 1950s horror and crime comics which prompted the restrictive Comics Code to cheekily irreverent like R. Crumb’s Zap Comix to much more … Continued