Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

The Fight Against Fake News Begins with Me

The Fight Against Fake News Begins with Me

A first person account of the battle for accuracy from a rather unattractive couch I have tried very hard to be a Nerd of Trust. To me, accurate and timely information is a critical need for daily life function, and since 2016 I have worked tirelessly to promote good information literacy while combating fake news.  As someone who has built a reputation of trustworthiness among colleagues, family and friends through fact-checks, online posts about false information and a relentless attack on fake news stories, I’ve earned my Nerd of Trust credentials.  The COVID-19 pandemic was an ideal situation for fake news purveyors.  Through the rise of social media, many Americans have fallen prey to medically-oriented misinfodemics – floods of false … Continued
New Streaming Video Platform for Your Courses: Kanopy now LIVE!

New Streaming Video Platform for Your Courses: Kanopy now LIVE!

Films can be a useful supplemental resource for many lessons or courses and the IU East Campus Library continuously works to provide easy, comprehensive access to streaming films for educational purposes.  Starting in January 2020, the library now has an agreement with the online streaming video platform Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The IU East Campus Library currently has the documentary film category open and available for instant viewing. Faculty who are looking for a documentary film to stream for their classes can check Kanopy ( and easily provide online streaming access … Continued
Three Women of Indiana’s Past: empowering change in education, housing & prisons

Three Women of Indiana’s Past: empowering change in education, housing & prisons

When one thinks of Indiana, thoughts may race from the Indy 500, grow to include cornfields and combines, then settle on limestone. The names Albion Fellows Bacon, Eliza Blaker, and Rhoda M. Coffin may not come to mind. Yet these three women were instrumental in laying the groundwork for how we perceive life in Indiana these days, whether it be housing, education, or correctional facilities. Albion Fellows Bacon (1865-1933) Thanks to the efforts of Albion Fellows Bacon (1865-1933), residents of Indiana had better housing options available to them in 1911. After two of her children developed scarlet fever, Albion went on a search to discover the source of her children’s illness and came across the riverfront slums in Evansville. Appalled … Continued
The 200 Festival Collections Showcase

The 200 Festival Collections Showcase

Assistant Librarian of Access & Technical Services and IU East Archivist Beth South presented at the 200 Festival Collections Showcase in Bloomington, IN on September 27, 2019. The showcase aimed to show how IU students, staff and faculty are using technology to enhance preservation, conservation, and use of collections and to develop new collections for public engagement. Beth showcased the IU East LGBTQ+ Archive Collection, a new student-created collection which uses the IU Pressbooks platform. The e-book platform allows the collection to be easily accessible to the public, with chapters denoting different themes, focusing on people, places, or events and it can be easily searched for those wanting to find content related to gay marriage, drag shows, asexuality, and more. … Continued
Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

The IU East Campus Library currently has a trial for the online streaming video platform called Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The platform is currently employed at more than 2,500 academic libraries globally, including many libraries, and within Indiana University at Northwest, South Bend, and Bloomington campuses. Some of the benefits for IU East students and faculty to use Kanopy are: Provide access without payment: conveniently open all or any of their broad collections with no upfront or required payment Strategically acquire high-use films: Triggering a film requires 4 independent plays by … Continued